Many thanks to the BLR audiophiles.

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 04. Dez 2009, 06:10
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the Bangalore audiophiles sivat, abhi, sridhar for hosting me at their respective residence/showroom to audition their resp. 2-ch system. Each visit was very enjoyable to me & it was great for me to learn the motivation for the choice of equipment & what sonic attributes each owner was after. Thanks to all of you for sharing that with me. I was also very pleased to see the abundant enthusiasm for 2-ch audio in Bangalore. You guys are the vanguards of this (crazy) hobby & hope that you can indoctrinate more people like yourselves.
As an additional benefit I got to me my old audio friend goolimangala. Goolimangala, it was great to see you again & see that you are doing well health-wise & business-wise.
We'll be in touch via this forum thru our many posts, heated discussions, etc.
I look forward to meeting all of you again on my next visit. Should any of you be visiting the USA & are in my neck of the woods, please give me a call & I would love to have you over for an audition.
Bye for now until we meet again....

[Beitrag von bombaywalla am 04. Dez 2009, 10:09 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 05. Dez 2009, 11:57
Wish i were told you were going to be in the neighbourhood sir..would've urged you to drop in at my place and audiotion my active 3 way DIYs..I keep trying to listen to it throughthe ears of otehr folks as i hardly ever got to listen to it myself.

The bangalore audiophiles are such a cool bunch..yeah the Bombay guys have some snap to them too

Do let me know if you are int he northwest region near Portland Oregon..A few local brew choices on me

Oh, and I was wondering if you would be willing to audition my DAC if I were to ship it out to you on the east coast if I am right?
Shoot me a PM sir and we'll carry it forward. Would be very curious to see what an experienced audiophile such as yourself thinks of it.
#3 erstellt: 07. Dez 2009, 18:05
B'walla. its a shame we could not meet
would have loved to have you over...The beginning of the end of recession has meant too much of travel...
#4 erstellt: 16. Dez 2009, 10:37
It was great meeting you at sridhar's place Bombaywalla.
I did check up on the apogee scintilla. Very interesting.
#5 erstellt: 16. Dez 2009, 11:13

square_wave schrieb:
It was great meeting you at sridhar's place Bombaywalla.
I did check up on the apogee scintilla. Very interesting.

I heard the Apogee that's the only speakers i want to own as a permanent setup.
#6 erstellt: 16. Dez 2009, 13:21
Does anyone have a working pair of any Apoogee speakers in Bangalore ???

I Would LOVE to hear them.

The Apogee Scintillas are VERY difficult to drive. Actually, they were amplifier Killers, presentiong a 2 Ohm capacitive load at some frequencies.

The Early Krell's claim to fame was that they drove the Apogee Scintilla well !

I'm told the apogee panels died quickly in the very humid Indian environment (as did the Early QUADs). Hence would be interesting to know if there is still a working pair in the country !
#7 erstellt: 17. Dez 2009, 06:35

Amp_Nut schrieb:
Does anyone have a working pair of any Apoogee speakers in Bangalore ???

I Would LOVE to hear them.

I do not think there is a pair in India - I may be wrong...

I did listen to 2 models of these in Singapore - many moons back.
They were driven by Krell Amps
The R.T. - Merak & Sheraton 'killed' them - imho.
This was the 1st time I ever auditioned Metronome & Gryphon & Alpha Core Goertz Cables.

I got the GAD / Metronome & the Cables [stuck in USA] However, I could never get the R.T. Merak & Sheraton [I still regret that] !!!
#8 erstellt: 24. Dez 2009, 22:05

Amp_Nut schrieb:

I'm told the apogee panels died quickly in the very humid Indian environment (as did the Early QUADs).

Amp_Nut, there must have been something more to it than just humidity 'cuz one of our Apogee forum members has Magneplanar 20.1 in his alternate system for a long time down in Jamaica! It's pretty humid there but I have not heard him complain about his Maggies (or his Apogees) needing more repair than anyone elses'.
In Dec 2008 I heard a fully restored Apogee Diva in the Ft. Lauderdale, Florida area. That listening room was totally A/Ced. Ft. Lauderdale & BOM have exactly the same latitude, if memory serves me correctly hence they have nearly the same weather (I should know as I lived there! ).
It must be the smog + humidity creating a very acidic mix that is very corrosive to many things (not just Apogee ribbons).....
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