Many thanks to the BOM audiophiles.

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 04. Dez 2009, 10:07
Lest it be misunderstood that I did not meet any audiophiles in BOM, I wanted to thank the BOM audiophiles that I meet up with on this trip: bhagwan69, switch_it_on, sbfx, deaf, Amp_Nut, Shah_rukh, Manek, Krish.
I ended up auditioning many systems, spent a good deal of time doing other activities with them. It was excellent! Thank you all!
#2 erstellt: 04. Dez 2009, 12:53
It was a pleasure to have met you too, Bombaywalla.

Obviously you have a family that accomodates your hobby, and gives you time off despite a short trip !

#3 erstellt: 07. Dez 2009, 06:07
You are most welcome - anytime.
You just missed my DAC - next trip..
All the Best !

#4 erstellt: 08. Dez 2010, 07:11
Resurrecting an old thread... met bhagwan and Amp_nut this Sunday for a fantastic session of music (with jack Daniels followed by some of the best Steak i have eaten for some time )

A short overview
Bhagwans setup breaks most placement rules in audio. Speakers which if they were an inch closer to the listener would be called headphones, but 7 feet away from each other and less than 2 inches from the back wall. subs placed together looking in different directions beyond the equipment rack etc etc.
But when they play, they disappear and if you close your eyes you would actually think you are in a large hall with a musical stage laid far beyond with pinpoint imaging (in his neighbours room !). tones are right which still sounded very lifelike with dynamics as well as the delicacy required ( i do have a personal prference for warmer vocals but i know that is a colouration that is a personal liking). The subs are integerated so well that you dont even realise they are there untill switched off.
..and i cannot believe the sense of realism which a dedicated computer audio can give considering these are regular Flac/Wavs from a regular CD drive.

when you see and hear this setup you can feel the years of effort that has been put in in getting everything so right and squeezing the very best out of the setup ! it is sheer mastery in audio setup

Gives me a lot of hope on what can be done on my room/setup without upgrading anything ! (although how he managed it is still unbelievable to though he is showing me one system and i am hearing another in another room)

Amp nuts setup is a monster begging to break loose! he also struggles with a huge setup in a relatively small room (speakers as big as me) and he has also managed to get them to work right except for bass overhang in some tracks which is purely a room thing.

What stands out in that setup is the sense of scale and dynamics Although the soundstaging placement work is still in progress due to some technical modifications he has to make, but in that system you may not even care about pinpoint soundstaging (which is also there) due to the raw excitement in the music..really blows you away. . and thats true in everything from Classical to rock and reference recordings to regular ones. surprisingly the coldness which i would have associated with a Revel-Gamut-Audio research combination was just not sounded liquid and with a direct connection to the music.

..And i heard "grandmas hands" on that system as I have never ever heard it before ! lots to do on my system to get that sense of balnce across the musical extremeties (If it is possible)

Thanks lot to both you gentlemen it was fun not just discussing audio but everything else as well ! -to be read along the lines of good audiophiles but still better human beings !!

[Beitrag von Arj am 08. Dez 2010, 07:18 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 08. Dez 2010, 12:02
Hi Arj,

It was a pleasure to have met you and chatted ...

Thanks for taking the time off to come over, even though it was a very short trip for you to Mumbai.

What I strive for i my system is Imaging, a sense of immediacy (being there feeling) and Bass reproduction. I have often been told that it is better to have no bass than too much of it. I now disagree. (even though I may be in a minority of one ! ). Once having experienced what Bass brings to the listening room, I know just what is being missed without bass, not just Visceral impact and the BALLS in music, but also sometimes a very fundamental rhythm in the track, that many dont even know exists...

You are Very Kind with your words for my set up. Thank You

#6 erstellt: 09. Dez 2010, 07:03

Arj schrieb:
Met bhagwan and Amp_nut this Sunday for a fantastic session of music (with jack Daniels followed by some of the best Steak i have eaten for some time )

A short overview
Bhagwans setup breaks most placement rules in audio. Speakers which if they were an inch closer to the listener would be called headphones, but 7 feet away from each other and less than 2 inches from the back wall. subs placed together looking in different directions beyond the equipment rack etc etc.
But when they play, they disappear and if you close your eyes you would actually think you are in a large hall with a musical stage laid far beyond with pinpoint imaging (in his neighbours room !). tones are right which still sounded very lifelike with dynamics as well as the delicacy required ( i do have a personal prference for warmer vocals but i know that is a colouration that is a personal liking). The subs are integerated so well that you dont even realise they are there untill switched off.
..and i cannot believe the sense of realism which a dedicated computer audio can give considering these are regular Flac/Wavs from a regular CD drive.

when you see and hear this setup you can feel the years of effort that has been put in in getting everything so right and squeezing the very best out of the setup ! it is sheer mastery in audio setup :hail!!

You are most welcome. Anytime.
It was a pleasure to meet up with you...

I would also like to thank you for your kind words....

The 'set' up has been 'ever evolving' !!
I have had a lot of help from 'deaf'
He has a lot of 'experience' & is a helping 'soul'

Will write more in a bit....
#7 erstellt: 09. Dez 2010, 07:22

Arj schrieb:
Bhagwans setup breaks most placement rules in audio. Speakers which if they were an inch closer to the listener would be called headphones, but 7 feet away from each other and less than 2 inches from the back wall. subs placed together looking in different directions beyond the equipment rack etc etc.
But when they play, they disappear and if you close your eyes you would actually think you are in a large hall with a musical stage laid far beyond with pinpoint imaging (in his neighbours room !).

I guess you could say that; [unconventional] set up i.e.

I have a rear ported book shelf speaker that is placed very very close to the rear wall :-

Tidal Amea Diacera Signature - Black finish with Black T & P Accuton Woofer.
The rear port is about an inch from the rear wall on the left side & about 3 inches on the right side.
The tweeter is at a height of 44 inches off the ground.
I do use 2 subs from Martin Logan - Depth. Each sub has 3 woofers [8"] in a 'sealed' enclosure. So 6 bass drivers are
in use....This part of the set up is 'active' !!

Front end is 'computer'
Foobar 2000 is what I use through an 'assembled' Antec Computer.
#8 erstellt: 09. Dez 2010, 07:57

bhagwan69 schrieb:
Front end is 'computer'
Foobar 2000 is what I use through an 'assembled' Antec Computer. :L

...And a fantastic dCS trio.
#9 erstellt: 09. Dez 2010, 08:42

Shahrukh schrieb:

bhagwan69 schrieb:
Front end is 'computer'
Foobar 2000 is what I use through an 'assembled' Antec Computer. :L

...And a fantastic dCS trio. :hail


It is truly world class.

I have Jay @ SNV - Pune to thank for it.

It is on 'loan' [demo]

The dCS Gear has a super balance between - extreme resolution & musical stability. It actually walks on a khife's edge.
Filter 1 is a bit more 'resolving' & filter 2 is a bit more 'musical'

Thank You Jay !!

I appreciate your help & co-operation.
#10 erstellt: 09. Dez 2010, 08:51

bhagwan69 schrieb:


It is truly world class.

I have Jay @ SNV - Pune to thank for it.

It is on 'loan' [demo]

The dCS Gear has a super balance between - extreme resolution & musical stability. It actually walks on a khife's edge.
Filter 1 is a bit more 'resolving' & filter 2 is a bit more 'musical'

Thank You Jay !!

I appreciate your help & co-operation.

Dear Bhagwan,

The dCS Scarlatti is undoubtedly the best there is. So right - extremely resolving and musical.
You are most welcome. My pleasure.

#11 erstellt: 09. Dez 2010, 15:46
Dear Bhagwan,

Thanks for the mention.
Getting the subs to sound the way they are currently was really a long process. Spent many sleepless nights thinking physics, calculating x-over vs SPL points, and finally listening, good fun in the end.
Placement of the speakers themselves took us a good 3 months to finally accept the sound as top notch.
I still feel that we need to take this to a higher level as all the gear points in that direction. DAMN THE LARS WAS GOOD.
If Arj had heard that, he would never leave for another day.
#12 erstellt: 10. Dez 2010, 03:41

deaf schrieb:
If Arj had heard that, he would never leave for another day.


The Lars did play well.
I too liked it a lot.

The 'sub' may need some work.
However, at this point, I do not miss it.
So long as it does not come in the way - I can live with that.

I need the sub to have a remote.
Where in I can adjust all parameters. So I could have 2 settings - [a] for audiophile music & serious listening & [b] for slam & 60 to 150 hertz for 'fun' music...

But Alas !!
#13 erstellt: 10. Dez 2010, 05:15
Bhagwan69 said:

I need the sub to have a remote.
Where in I can adjust all parameters. So I could have 2 settings - [a] for audiophile music & serious listening & [b] for slam & 60 to 150 hertz for 'fun' music...

But Alas !!

Ah ! So even true Audiophiles like to flirt ...
#14 erstellt: 10. Dez 2010, 05:40

Amp_Nut schrieb:
Bhagwan69 said:

I need the sub to have a remote.
Where in I can adjust all parameters. So I could have 2 settings - [a] for audiophile music & serious listening & [b] for slam & 60 to 150 hertz for 'fun' music...

But Alas !!

Ah ! So even true Audiophiles like to flirt ... ;)

flirting ? more like Bigamy !
#15 erstellt: 10. Dez 2010, 05:41

deaf schrieb:
If Arj had heard that, he would never leave for another day.

The keema samosa/kabab also achieved that effect
#16 erstellt: 10. Dez 2010, 07:38

Amp_Nut schrieb:
Bhagwan69 said:

I need the sub to have a remote.
Where in I can adjust all parameters. So I could have 2 settings - [a] for audiophile music & serious listening & [b] for slam & 60 to 150 hertz for 'fun' music...

But Alas !!

Ah ! So even true Audiophiles like to flirt ... ;)


Some tracks need that 'drive' like what A.N. gets in his room with the Revels.
I miss that.
Track # 15 on Manger Test Disc.
Track # 09 on Burmester Test Disc.
Hadouk Triio - many songs
Here the bass slam and the drive is surely missed by me.

However some 'serious' audiophile tracks, just need the bass to be a little 'defined' & hence the subs are currently 'tuned' to do that.

However, the 'mistress' too is needed... for the 'kinky' fun things....
#17 erstellt: 10. Dez 2010, 08:31
Bhagwan69 said:

However, the 'mistress' too is needed... for the 'kinky' fun things....

So I have a mistress (my stereo system) that does all the 'Kinky' stuff, and I am trying to make a lady out of her !

Taming Of the Shrew ...

[Beitrag von Amp_Nut am 10. Dez 2010, 08:34 bearbeitet]
#18 erstellt: 10. Dez 2010, 09:09

Amp_Nut schrieb:
Bhagwan69 said:

However, the 'mistress' too is needed... for the 'kinky' fun things....

So I have a mistress (my stereo system) that does all the 'Kinky' stuff, and I am trying to make a lady out of her !

Taming Of the Shrew ... :D

well put !

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