HIFI-FORUM » English » Surround (Engl.) » Canton Karat series - which receiver combination ... | |
Canton Karat series - which receiver combination ?+A -A |
Autor |
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Neuling |
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erstellt: 11. Jun 2005, |
![]() After a lot of research I have narrowed down my choise to the following combinations, mainly to be used for Home Cinema purposes (althoug hifi is not excluded) : Front Speakers: KEF HTS5001 or HTS6001 CANTON M80DC CABASSE Xi and appropriate surrounds and centers within the same model Receiver: YAMAHA RX V2500 or YAMAHA RX V757 or DENON AVR2805 The entire set-up will be complemented by an already existing SVS 2039 PCI sub My question: does anyone use one of these combinations, what is your experience ? What about the combination YAMAHA/CANTON ? PS. Please feel free to answer in German ! |
Neuling |
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erstellt: 15. Jun 2005, |
In the mean time I have had the opportunity to listen to some of the combinations. I was hughly dissappointed by the performance of the slimmer (but not always cheaper) speakers. Both KEF and Cabasse are fine for HT use only but show ample performance when used for music reproduction. The Canton however did a great job, providing an more open sooundstage with good bass performance (Canton Karat S8) then the other speakers. I also listened to Quadral Ascent 860 and found this one partcularly interesting with (in my view) an even wider soundstage than the Canton S8, altough it has less bass power. In my case, my SVS sub will compensate for this :=) On the reciever side, the choise is hard to make. At this moment I seem to have a preference for the Denon because it provided me a more natural (less pronounced) sound than Yamaha did, however I'll go through some more listening stages before taking a final decision. By the way, I'll also try to listen to some Polk Audio speakers - curious to hear what they can bring me. See you ! |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 16. Jun 2005, |
Hi! May I ask where are you from? The named Denon and the named M80DC in combination are here in germany very popular. You ears are listening... Have a nice day! Andre ![]() |
Neuling |
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erstellt: 16. Jun 2005, |
Andre, I am actually from Belgium - Sorry for not being able to write in German, do understand it without any problem though ! The reason I am here is that I have found this board to be of good quality - cannot find something like this in Dutch (I speak dutch but french, english and a fair bit of german too). The Canton speakers I have heard (S8 and Vento) are of very good qualty but I seem to prefer the Quadral Ascent for the named reasons. Do you have any experience with Quantum speakers? I am also wondering if it is worth to use 3 way speakers as surrounds (e.g. using 4 x Quantum Ascent 860 or 2 x 860 and 2x 660)or should I combine these with bookshelf speakers (Ascent 260)on a stand ? Cheers ! Ghislain |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 16. Jun 2005, |
Hi! Thanks for your comfort words according our board. We do all our best to keep on this high level. About the Quadral Speakers: In the Stereo-Category exists an Thread opens from Quadral-Owners. But is an German language only. May be this guys there can also help you. Of course you can try to write in english language there. Good luck and keep us loyal. Andre ![]() |
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