Which Denon AVR & which speakers?

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#1 erstellt: 21. Aug 2004, 13:16
Hi !

I am planning for a HT system. Please advice:

1. Which Denon AVR to buy - should be inexpensive but good.
2. Which speakers to go with it - again inexpensive but good.
3. What should I go for 5 6 or 7.1 - the system should not become obsolete very soon.

I have a basic DVD player - Pioneer DV-373s - I will upgrade later.

I would really appreciate your help (especially Denonfreaker's)


Dr. Sanjay Dhawan
#2 erstellt: 24. Aug 2004, 00:04
Hello SDhawan,

I just can tell you something about the Denon AVR 1804, but this is IMHO a very good Receiver - I use it with Infinity Beta Speakers (I am Infinity fan since I had an Infinity System in my car 10 years ago).
The 1804 is a 6.1 Receiver, but I just use 5.1 Chanels.

In Germany the AVR 1804 costs about 380,- Euro, and the speakers about 600,- Euro.

#3 erstellt: 24. Aug 2004, 16:10

#4 erstellt: 24. Aug 2004, 16:25
Receiver AVR -2105 Denon
Speakers: B&W 603 S3 Based homecinema set with subwoofer and center

This set is based on optimal quality and value for money.

But also the infinity are also good.

Your ears should be the guide, preferably also in your own home.
#5 erstellt: 24. Aug 2004, 17:32
Thats a good Tip too -

the best would be to lend and hear the speakers at home to figure out which ones sound best for you.


[Beitrag von Ale>< am 24. Aug 2004, 17:34 bearbeitet]
#6 erstellt: 25. Aug 2004, 14:20
Thanks guys!

Ist häufiger hier
#7 erstellt: 24. Nov 2004, 21:08
Hello Denonfreaker !

I am trying to decide between the Denon 1404 and 1604. I am told that apart from being 6.1, the 1604 has a better build quality (and of course some additional features -speaker distance setting)

What do you suggest? Is 1404 a good receiver? Can it be used for good stereo sound (assuming paired with a decent pair of speakers)

#8 erstellt: 20. Jan 2005, 07:27
1604 has additional features..i never go by the over optimistic power ratings.but features is what matters to me.
#9 erstellt: 04. Mrz 2005, 15:17

ajacob schrieb:
Hello Denonfreaker !

I am trying to decide between the Denon 1404 and 1604. I am told that apart from being 6.1, the 1604 has a better build quality (and of course some additional features -speaker distance setting)

What do you suggest? Is 1404 a good receiver? Can it be used for good stereo sound (assuming paired with a decent pair of speakers)


Hi Anil,

Ofcourse is the 1404 a good receiver but with that i would advise to use high efficient speakers meaning that the efficiency should be above 90 DB at 1 w 1 meter

And preferably a subwoofer set with good active sub woover like the elac cinema 05 or cinema 1 , jamo speakers also are good , bose not recommendable due to sound quality and low efficiency

Yes it can be used with a pair of decent speakers like Tannoy fushion, B&W Dm 603 choises are great .

Greetings denonfreaker

Edit: It all depends on what you want to do with it , a 1404 is still good , a 1604 has more power a little bit better build , it depends if you use it just for normal use ( and than i do not mean a party every week or build in a rack so that it cannot "breath" ) than it is a nice fine receiver.

If you give large parties often a 1604 with the same speakers will live longer, but has than functions you do not use.

Think about it if you need a surround receiver , if not and you only use stereo invest money in a seperate tuner and amp , it sounds better, and will live longer

edit off >>

[Beitrag von Denonfreaker am 04. Mrz 2005, 15:25 bearbeitet]
#10 erstellt: 19. Mrz 2005, 22:11

I don't think the lower denon receivers to be that convincing when it comes to stereo-music...
I own a denon 1804 myself (currently connected to a pair of JBL E80s) and am trying to get rid of it, in order to buy a decent used marantz and connect my revox-amp to it for stereo

greets dipak
#11 erstellt: 14. Sep 2014, 08:41
Hi , Home cinema receivers haben in allgemein ein slechterenur stereo sound als Stereo verstarker und diti lautsprecher aber einen 1804 sollte auch gut stereo wieder geben konnen , veilleicht die setup anders einstellen
Ist häufiger hier
#12 erstellt: 29. Feb 2016, 20:11
Denon 2113
Ist häufiger hier
#13 erstellt: 29. Feb 2016, 20:11
Ups, very old thread, sorry!
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