AV-receiver w/ ASW Cantius

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#1 erstellt: 10. Nov 2003, 15:43

i plan on upgrading my stereo-set to surround. i'd like to keep my pair of ASW Cantius ML III, which are 14 years old but still very good, as front speakers and think about getting the yamaha RX-V740 AV-receiver.
what do you think about that? and which center/surround-speakers would you recommend, considering it should not becomme too expensive?

thanks a lot,

#2 erstellt: 10. Nov 2003, 19:49
at first you should use speakers that fit to your old speakers - you can fit the volume by the receiver but not the sound - do you want to get 5.1 or 7.1? and whats your price limit?
#3 erstellt: 10. Nov 2003, 22:06
hi sledgehammer,

i want to get 5.1, and spend $/EUR 1000 max.
i thougt that speakers from the same series, asw cantius, might fit my old speakers.
after reading more tests, i also think about adding a set of celestion avp 350 or infinity oreus to my speakers.
they are supposed be quite good for music as well, so may be i can even replace my old stereo speakers.

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#4 erstellt: 11. Nov 2003, 08:51
Hello dawnrazor!
So you woant to replace your stereo speakers or not? Maybe using them as rear speakers is another possibility? 5.1 including a receiver is possible but you won't have that much choice if you search real quality. Shall the speakers be floorstanders?
#5 erstellt: 11. Nov 2003, 09:44
hi onion,
well, if I can find an affordable set of 5.1 speakers that sound good enough in stereo and sacd-use, I am willing to replace my stereo-speakers. Simply because I don't have that much space. Which answers your next question: I'd rather not go for floorstanders.
#6 erstellt: 11. Nov 2003, 20:31
5.1 bookshelf speakers incl receiverer $1000, one should be able to find something within these parameters. i try to find something ill tell you. but one thing: at this price youll get good surround but stereo may not be that good.
#7 erstellt: 11. Nov 2003, 21:45
the receiver is around 440 Euro, and for the 5.1 speaker set i would go up to 900 $/Euro, the price of the Celestion AVP305. do you know, if they, or the infinity oreus, can provide good stereo?
#8 erstellt: 12. Nov 2003, 18:23
sorry, havent heard them. in any case you should go to your dealer to hear them. noone in here can do this for you.
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