Smooth Jazz

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#1 erstellt: 18. Jan 2006, 15:59
I have recently come across Mary Chapin Carpenter, Paul Hardcastle, and Acoustic Alchemy jazz artistes and have fallen in love with them. Unhesitatingly recommend them to fellow audiophiles.

Earlier I have heard Norah and Diana Krall - Live in Paris which was recommended by Manek. I second Manek. Diana is fabulous in Paris.
#2 erstellt: 19. Jan 2006, 07:50

I have recently come across Mary Chapin Carpenter, Paul Hardcastle, and Acoustic Alchemy jazz artistes and have fallen in love with them. Unhesitatingly recommend them to fellow audiophiles.

Earlier I have heard Norah and Diana Krall - Live in Paris which was recommended by Manek. I second Manek. Diana is fabulous in Paris.

Try Earl Klug, Bob James, Fourplay,Yellow Jackets,Manhattan Transfer,Spyrogyra in the same genre
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#3 erstellt: 20. Jan 2006, 18:41
Adding to krish....Try peter White, soundscape UK, Chris Botti (awesome),David Sanborn, George Benson and a whole lot more the way I simply love Earl Klugh ....Try Soundscape UK if you like groovy melodious Jazz with a lot of instruments
#4 erstellt: 23. Jan 2006, 14:52
Thanks guys for the advice. If only I had as many ears as an octopus has tentacles
I have just one instrumental piece by Kieko Matsui and its fabulous. Any fans of hers (that's a female name na) out here. Yes I like Fourplay too. I will listen to your other suggestions too and tell you if I like them.

BTW, Phil Traynor gives out free instrumental songs on the internet and he's good. Any MP3 junkies?
#5 erstellt: 24. Jan 2006, 11:54
Neutral, if you like Diana Krall and Norah, you'll love Patricia Barber. Sample her music on
Tell me how you like it.
#6 erstellt: 24. Jan 2006, 13:06

Neutral, if you like Diana Krall and Norah, you'll love Patricia Barber. Sample her music on
Tell me how you like it.


She's awesome, isn't she ?

IMHO it's perhaps a bit unfair to club her in the same company as Diana Krall and Norah Jones, excellent as they both are, in their own right.

To me she is a class act of a completely different kind.

#7 erstellt: 24. Jan 2006, 13:18
Yeah she is great!

IMHO it's perhaps a bit unfair to club her in the same company as Diana Krall and Norah Jones, excellent as they both are, in their own right.

I'm not clasiifying her really. Just thought that Neut would also like a vocalist like Patricia Barber if he digs the other two.

[Beitrag von Shahrukh am 25. Jan 2006, 06:25 bearbeitet]
#8 erstellt: 24. Jan 2006, 14:48
Thanks Shahrukh, I'll check out Pat

Krishnan, I tried Earl Klugh and Fourplay. Both are excellent. I really feel sad that I listened to such rubbish earlier when I was using Rs 1400 Creative speakers. At that time I wondered why anyone would use 128 kbps. Why not 96? The file size of the mp3 would be smaller.

How things change. Now I growl at 128 because I know it kills a large part of the feelings - the essence of music.
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#9 erstellt: 05. Feb 2006, 08:44
What are your favourite albums by Patricia Barber? Mine is Modern Cool. I also have the Live in France. The SACD version of Modern Cool from MoFi smokes the CD version from Premonition. I have yet to listen to Companion.

Have you guys listened to Alison Krauss - New Favourite album? Very good - especially on SACD. Sara K. is also very good. Try her will like it.
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