large format TV

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#1 erstellt: 20. Jun 2005, 14:35
Would like to know experiences of members with large format TVs. What would be a better opotion for a small large format TV - projector both front and rear, plasma and LCD. The LCD displays are too expensive for my budget.

Are any Indian films released to allow viewing in HDTV formats. I guess one will also have to spend a ton on the DVD player.
Hat sich gelöscht
#2 erstellt: 22. Jun 2005, 11:06
i would personally go for a high spec sony or Phillips tube say 29 inches for TV viewing...
nothing to beast a tube when it comes to picture quality....
for movies..nothing beats a decent projector..say 1500-2000 lumes with a high contrast ratio.. and around 3-4 k hours of lamp life with HDTV..

For the DVD , i think u could get a very nice one for around 10k-15k in Indian rupees..(if u get one from the states or Dubai)
my DVD has 1080i capability in progressive scan mode when i use component video but i don't think it is still TV says it is HDTV compatible..
i.e when i use it with my DVD player..i watch it in 480P mode..
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