HIFI-FORUM » English » Offtopic (Engl.) » Roll Call : For all the old members of this forum | |
Roll Call : For all the old members of this forum+A -A |
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erstellt: 14. Mrz 2012, |
Friends, This place has been somewhat gloomy in the recent past. Can we do a "Roll Call" just to see how many still remember this place and pay a visit here even now. May be we can say something about what's going on in our hobby in the last one year or so, to mark our presence ![]() For me I spent my audiophile childhood here so I would love to see all the oldies back (though I know it may not be realistic), but who knows. What say moderator ? ![]() [Beitrag von abhi.pani am 14. Mrz 2012, 16:24 bearbeitet] |
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erstellt: 14. Mrz 2012, |
Present.. |
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erstellt: 14. Mrz 2012, |
Hey Oldie ![]() Would'nt you like to write something about whats interesting going on on audio front in last few months or so ? Audiophiles cannot remain quiet for months without any action. Those little updates normally keeps a forum going. Here we have missed it for sometime. |
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erstellt: 14. Mrz 2012, |
you first ![]() |
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erstellt: 14. Mrz 2012, |
As they still do in school - present teacher ![]() |
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erstellt: 15. Mrz 2012, |
Present miss.....er....Sir Would love to touch base with the oldies. I for one over many months have gone down the diy route with headphones(have mentioned it before). I have sort of stopped buying equipment due to the silly prices quoted. I for one am a happy camper since I have achieved the quality I can live with from diy and slowly continue to experiment and improve. I have started,,,,now its upto you guys to continue your story. Manek |
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erstellt: 15. Mrz 2012, |
Hi Folks, Also still alive. Have been visiting this forum frequently to see if something's going on. What I noticed is that since the forum has got a new design lot of German posts are landing up here on the English pages. Personal listening is now fully vinyl only with Scheu/Benz >> Einstein >>> Blumenhofer. On the commercial front have taken up Trigon electronics and WSS cables. Really great value for money. Affordable speakers will follow soon. Regards, Jochen |
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erstellt: 15. Mrz 2012, |
Since Abhis is playing Coy .. I have setup a decent Vinyl Rig. customized Lenco L75 with a Thomas Schick Tonearm, Denon DL103R cart and a Trigon Advance Phono to go with my current setup..close t0 300 Vinyl with around 250 being Old Hindi music. [Beitrag von Arj am 15. Mrz 2012, 16:35 bearbeitet] |
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erstellt: 15. Mrz 2012, |
Naa Arj, just a bit caught up. I wanted to write a more elaborate post ![]() Anyway, the last I wrote about myself was when I was selling all my stuff in India and moving to Singapore. Thankfully everything got sold before I left the country. In Singapore my idea was to play vinyl as much as possible. LPs had always fascinated me but I could never pursue it in India due to all the hassles around it. That way Singapore is superb. Here every second audiophile has a Vinyl rig so you can imagine the availability of LPs and the whole atmosphere around analogue. No one here debates on digital vs analogue, everyone knows where each of them stand ![]() While I started shopping with a Vinyl player in mind, I came across this brand called "Naim". I was really taken aback with its musicality and "how" it achieves such musicality. That is the reason I wrote a thread on PRAT. Sometimes you get smitten by the novelty of a certain thing which dies out after sometime, I was wondering if it is that. But the more I listened to Naim the more I appreciated them. The Naim sales guy here is an Indian and himself a Naimee, so he was very excited about showing me what the bigger Naims do, and all that. So, I knew this is one brand I could consider when it comes to electronics. But who cares, I am here for vinyls, so unless I have a vinyl player what is the point in looking at electronics. So my record player auditions continued. I might have auditioned about 50 odd record players in those 2 months, ranging from $500 to $40k. While my record player auditions was still not complete, passively I was also looking for a speaker. I didnt want to buy ATC because I cant do room treatments here as I will be living in a rented apartment. Moreover I was looking for something that is more of plug n play and easy to drive so that I can live with a cheaper amplification. One day out of nowhere I saw a Tannoy Prestige Turnberry playing at a CD shop. It was nice, however the place was cramped and one could only get a glimpse of the sound. Arj was with me at that time. We both liked the sound but as a glimpse. I somehow felt the urge to audition this speaker in a more reasonable room. Thankfully there is a dealer here who had one Tannoy Stirling on demo. Stirling is the smaller sibling of Turnberry. They share the same driver and similar cabinet design. I got an appointment and went there, to my surprise he had connected the speakers to a $200 chinese CDP and another $600 advance acoustics amp, the speakers themselves cost $5k ![]() ![]() My turntable thing was still not finalized so that hunt continued. But now I needed some sort of electronics to play the Tannoys. I looked around a little but finally I could see my Naim dreams getting fulfilled with a speaker which will be happy with moderate power to boot. But I needed a source as well, when you go with Naim solutions are simple but expensive ![]() ![]() What about my Vinyl player ? It is still in the pipeline. In the mean time I have been collecting records, that itself gives a high that is so special. My vinyl dreams has got delayed by 4 months now but it is okay because the Naim and Tannoy are making music which is over the top for my taste. All cables are Naim, it is a simple world, I dont think about upgrades now. Only waiting to play some LPs. [Beitrag von abhi.pani am 15. Mrz 2012, 17:54 bearbeitet] |
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erstellt: 16. Mrz 2012, |
Nicely written Abhi ! A Tannoy coincident driver is something I hope to realistically dream as well (my unrealistic dream is a 3 way Full horn setup) I somehow am unable to get over this whole vinyl Vs CD thingie. i have both and love both and in some way each has improved by perception and expectation form the other ![]() With the CD, its all about the large soundstage, the details and the microdynamics with Vinyl its about an Organic sound which just lets you forget about the sweetspot and enjoy the music After having listened to almost 3-4 month Only Vinyl, suddenly love the CD a lot more than i used to earlier..somehow the focus is more on the overall music and the nuances rather than about how perfect it should be..i have really starting enjoying music just a little bit more. in fact i have started listening to whole tracks and the entire album instead of just jumping to the next track ![]() I have started loving the Old hindi songs a lot more on Vinyl..old hindi CDs (unless they are UK pressed AADs) have a sharpness/shrill ness and a tinny sound..i guess digitisation was so less understood in those days that in a hurry to get the sounds transferred to CD they inadvertedly forgot to get the soul of music in . I have seen what a good LP player with a good LP can do..it can present a Huge Soundstage with all the dynamics one cah hope of..Jochens setup is one such and was an eye opener for me. But again..in the end there is enough room for both mediums (and exclusive titles present only in one of the mediums) ..its like having a 2 kids different from each other will be loved equally [Beitrag von Arj am 16. Mrz 2012, 13:30 bearbeitet] |
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erstellt: 16. Mrz 2012, |
There was a point when I thought I will go the Jochen's way, all out Vinyl. I know for sure that is not something I will ever regret and I wont have to stay abreast in the format game that goes on in digital. However as I started collecting LPs I realized that a lot of the Indian music that I have on CDs are hard to find on LPs or may be never released on LPs. People who are totally into western music are really lucky in that regards. My consumption is 60-40 in favour of Indian so I realized that some kind of decent digital playback is also necessary. |
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erstellt: 22. Mrz 2012, |
Hello Chaps, Good to see some movement. Spent the last couple of weekends auditioning two excellent cd players, the trigon and the ayon cd2s. The trigon is considerably more detailed than my existing cd player, but gets a bit rough when pushed through symphonic climaxes at high volume. Nonetheless excellent value for money.At twice the prices the ayon is only slightly more informative, but never gets harsh even whem pushed hard. It images very well. The music I played on these two ranged from Beethoven symphonies, Hayden quartets, Lots of Brahms, Bruckner and a bit of Mingus and Coleman Hawkins. Given the price difference the two cannot be compared, but on an absolute scale I find the ayon to be less fatiguing, I also found that I could listen to it at lower volumes than the trigon. Having said that, if I did not already have a decent CD player I would be quite happy with then trigon. Thanks to Jochen letting me listen to the Trigon and to ARN for the Ayon. Purnendu |
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erstellt: 22. Mrz 2012, |
Nevertheless, if anybody is interested in a new CDP, it's always best to evaluate a piece of equipment with one's own ears and in conjunction with the own equipment and not rely on someone elses verdict. Neither magazine reviewer, dealer nor fellow audiophile. Regards, Jochen [Beitrag von The-German-HiFi-Connection am 22. Mrz 2012, 13:07 bearbeitet] |
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erstellt: 16. Apr 2012, |
Present sir... ![]() |
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erstellt: 04. Aug 2012, |
Checked in after several months hoping to see a revival in posts by senior members. What has happened to the Indian hi-fi scene? Has it moved elsewhere? On a personal note, have moved up to Totem Acoustic Forest speakers and pleased with overall sound. P.S. To all of you who clicked on this (updated) thread eagerly, hoping to see a new, non self-serving post -- my apologies ![]() |
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erstellt: 08. Jul 2015, |
No activity since long ! ................................. |
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erstellt: 27. Feb 2016, |
Still alive & still passionate about 2 channel stereo. Wish our old friend & Mod, Manek would take over the reigns & revive this English lang Forum. |
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erstellt: 06. Mrz 2016, |
Thanks Kamal. Hi Manek , bring back those golden days ! |
Administrator |
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erstellt: 06. Mrz 2016, |
Hi together. Manek has not been seen for a long time. His last login was Aug 2013! You have to help yourself, I am afraid but don't let this hold you back from any revival. ![]() brgds Olaf |
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