reccomendations for my setup

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#1 erstellt: 14. Jul 2004, 21:05
hi guys
great to see a audio/HT site pertinent to india. i just entered the field of HT ownership with a marantz sr-4300 reciever and wharfedale 8.2 fronts. as of now, since i am on a budget, im taking things step by step. for now i'm using my old sony and technics bookhelf speakers frm my mini-components for my surrounds and centre. anyways i had 3 queries for which i'd appreciate any feedback... firstly i'm planning to buy a subwoofer in the rs. 15000 or so range in which the wharfedale powercubes, jamo A3 sub, jbl scs300 and even the indian SPACE brand (what do u guys think of this brand). My steup is in my room of abt 300 sq ft. My tastes lean more toward a tight, deep bass rather than room shaking booms. Any suggestions ??
Secondly i was wondering how come with my old sony mini - component rated at 17wpc i didn't have to go beyond half the volume level in order to hear my music loud and in fact needed only to go up the first quarter for a normal listening level but with my new setup i have to go to half way up the volume level for a normal level and go up to 75% and up for loudish levels. this worries me that i may pop something ! any clue why, guys?
thirdly i may be able to get some stuff frm australia or uk in 2 months so shld i buy my sub and centre channels then or are the prices not much different ?
thanks for all ur help in advance guys. appreciate all the advice.
take care
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#2 erstellt: 27. Jul 2004, 17:37
no help for a newbie from anyone out there on the forum ?? :-(
#3 erstellt: 27. Jul 2004, 18:07

don't fear, help is comming

I'll try to answer your questions as far as I'm able to do.

1st) I don't know the Indain market and the indian prices. So it's hard for me to tell you what you'll get for your money. Brands like Wharfedale, Jamo or JBL should be ok, but there are some other possibilities, e.g. B&W, Monitor Audio or Klipsch. You should contact some dealers and check their offerings. AND: never, never buy any hifi-component without testing it! You pay too much money to give it away for a speaker you haven't heard before! Best would be a test at home in your listening-room and a comparison with other products.

2nd) Different source devices have different output voltages. A lower poweramplifier input voltage means a lower output level. Because of this an amplifier hast to be constructetd sensitive enough to give you the maximum output level also with lower input voltages. example: If you connect a CD-Player with an output voltage of 1V (that's very low) you have to turn the volume controller twice as far as you would have to do it with a 2V CD-Player connected. With the 1V CDP connected you have to turn the volume controller the whole way to the end to have maximum output power. With the 2V Player connected you just have to turn it half the way. If you go further your amplifier will start to "clip". "Clipping" is an effect of overpowered Amplifiers that can destroy your speakers! If the sound starts to distort while you raise the volume you should turn it back!

3rd) See 1st)....
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