volume is weird for onkyo tx-sr702

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#1 erstellt: 05. Feb 2005, 02:52
I need help figuring out if I've set up my Onkyo AV receiver correctly. I went through the manual and did the setup with the microphone. However, I do not hear anything from my speakers until the volume level is at 53 or so. The highest volume level is 99 so I find this strange. I could only put my last receiver's volume, a Nakamichi, a quarter of the way up and it was too loud.

The Onkyo has the opposite problem.... no sound until its pumped halfway! Can someone help?

#2 erstellt: 07. Feb 2005, 06:18
Hi Lauradig

The position of the volume knob is no measure of the level at which a receiver will play at. Different manufacturers have different settings.

Perhaps you could go back to the dealer and check whether the 53 position is true for other receivers of that particular model. Then you would know if it was normal for your Onkyo, or if attention was needed.

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