Speakers for Marantz SR4600

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#1 erstellt: 13. Jan 2007, 21:11
My cousin is currently in United States and has bought a Marantz SR4600 AV Reciever. He would come back to India in about 6-8 months. He is eventually looking for a 5.1 speaker setup, but right now the requirement is to buy a couple of speakers. I suggested him to buy Floorstanders for the front, but since he wants to get them back home, it would be tough fit them within the permissible luggage limit. He plans to buy a pair of Bookshelves (and a Sub if possible, which he thinks he can somehow fit in with the luggage). Later he wants to move the Bookshelves to Rear and buy Floorstanders for the Front.

1> Do we really need good Bookshelves for the Rear or Satellites would do the job?
I feel, if he buys a pair of Bookshelves now, they would later anyway be shifted to Rear and if they are not utilised
fully, the investment on them would lose value. If this isnt the case, then suggest some good Bookshelves...

2> I also read that for a 5.1 setup, its better to have all the speakers of same Make. So in that case, can you suggest brands which would be available in Bangalore, so that he can later buy the Center channel, Sub etc..here.

He's auditioned some JBLs, Polk, Focal...(will post the exact models in the next post) and I've seen JBL and Polk at ProFX in Bangalore. Any others?

[Beitrag von Voodoo_CHild am 13. Jan 2007, 21:25 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 16. Jan 2007, 14:25
Hmm...No replies to the post...looks like most of the forum guys are enjoying Stereo these days
Anyway...can anyone put some light on how can the SR4600s Power Requirement - AC 120V/60Hz can be handled in India? Since its not compatible with Indian conditions, what best options do we have?

PS - Any replies for my previous post are still welcome
#3 erstellt: 16. Jan 2007, 17:32
Hi Voodoo_CHild,

1. Regarding your 1st question.... I'm not THAT Kinda guy ( Multi Channel ) :-)))

2. Regarding the 120VAC / 240VAC....

The best way would be to have someone knowledgable open it and see if there are jumpers for switching between 120 & 240 VAC.

The other alternate is to use an external transformer that will the convert the ndian 240 VAC to 120 VAC. This will need to be a hefty oiece, if it to do the job well. Read the Max AC Power consumption, usually mentioned where the power cord meets the chasis. Get a Xformer that is atleast as many Watts / VA, preferably 50% higher that the max consumption of your Marantz.

Feel free to ask, if you are unclear about what I have mentioned above ... in point # 2 :-))
#4 erstellt: 16. Jan 2007, 17:38
Hi !

Try the following at Banglore:


Marantz guys in India should be able to change the configuration to 230V OR use external step down tranformer of adequate capacity.
#5 erstellt: 16. Jan 2007, 19:50
Re the 5.1, I would suggest KEF/Polk in that order, assuming you have a midrange sort of a budget.
By using a step down transformer, the input voltage could be brot to 120V but what abt the frequency? That would remain at 50 hz & impair performance to some extent.If the power supply is not internally switchable,it might be better the entire PS replaced.
But if you can live with it.....
#6 erstellt: 17. Jan 2007, 03:56
Operation of the transfermer at 60 Hz or 50 Hz will have little practical implications.

Replacing the internal transformer, with a new one, to mechanically fit the original one would be a nightmare !
#7 erstellt: 02. Mrz 2007, 15:57
An update on this one...

My cousin in US has bought KEF iQ3 bookshelves to pair with his Marantz SR4600 AV Receiver. Apparently...he auditioned B&W DM601 S3, MA RS1, Athena & Paradigm bookshelves (don't remember the models), KEF iQ1 and PSB Image B25s. He said he was very impressed with B25s and iQ3s.

[Beitrag von Voodoo_CHild am 02. Mrz 2007, 15:59 bearbeitet]
#8 erstellt: 03. Mrz 2007, 07:31
had heard the kef iq series 5.1 with friend who wanted a 5.1 system. it sounded pretty good. fronts were iq5. dont remember the rears, though they were'nt the bookshelves but dedicated rear types. shahrukh i think has a kef iq5 with marantz receiver. you can ask him for his opinion. think it would go well together.

the monitor silvers would be good bets. but shifting the bookshelves to rear would be overkill/costly or he could do all bookshelves. then he can sit anyway he wants for stereo ultimate room flexibility.
#9 erstellt: 05. Mrz 2007, 14:31

stevieboy schrieb:
but shifting the bookshelves to rear would be overkill/costly or he could do all bookshelves. then he can sit anyway he wants for stereo ultimate room flexibility.

He's done a direct comparison between PSB B25s and KEF iQ3s and found that he couldn't differentiate much between them. He settled for iQ3s as he felt their highs were less brighter than B25s. Once he comes back, he's planning to upgrade to 5.1.
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