Innovative Indian Product

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#1 erstellt: 14. Jun 2011, 06:56
Came across this VERY Innovative Home Theatre product, and was pleasantly surprised to know that its made in India - In Bangalore !

The Product By SNAP-NETWORKS is one more way to do away with the additional wiring menace for setting up a Home Theatre System.

Wonder What it costs ...

Anyone heard it ?

(P.S: The usual disclaimer ... I am not associated commercially in any way with this company or its products. I just feel they deserve to be noticed / heard Pun Intended )
#2 erstellt: 14. Jun 2011, 07:03

Amp_Nut schrieb:
Came across this VERY Innovative Home Theatre product, and was pleasantly surprised to know that its made in India - In Bangalore !

The Product By SNAP-NETWORKS is one more way to do away with the additional wiring menace for setting up a Home Theatre System.

Wonder What it costs ...

Anyone heard it ?

(P.S: The usual disclaimer ... I am not associated commercially in any way with this company or its products. I just feel they deserve to be noticed / heard Pun Intended )

I think LaKozy sells it for around 60K
#3 erstellt: 14. Jun 2011, 08:13
Geez... that's Bose Territory Pricing !
#4 erstellt: 14. Jun 2011, 11:02
the concept is fantastic..they might have got more sales at the 35-40K mark.
problem is one would need to wire electrical wires as per the placement as most will not have so many empty light sockets
#5 erstellt: 14. Jun 2011, 15:14

Arj schrieb:
problem is one would need to wire electrical wires as per the placement as most will not have so many empty light sockets

huh? maybe I missed something here - isn't this whole system wireless? My understanding is that you need to buy the base so that you can get the wireless connectivity. Then the whole contraption can be placed anywhere (does not have to be line-of-sight as it is using wireless 802.11x protocol) in the room. So, one does not need any in-wall electrical wiring.
Apparently this system has room-correction built into it as well (read the "easy to install" tab on the bottom row of the page per A-N's link).
#6 erstellt: 14. Jun 2011, 15:30
you need to power it with power (so the wireless feature can function) the way to do it is plug it into a lamp socket or use their stands which are plugged to a power socket

Violet is a completely wireless system where you can actually screw in the speaker into the socket like a light bulb or you can plug it into the nearest power outlet.

ie unless they have a rechargeable battery built in or they have found a way to make electricity also travel wirelessly cheap enough for practical use
#7 erstellt: 15. Jun 2011, 14:06
Power Line Communication is hardly new ....
#8 erstellt: 17. Jun 2011, 12:47

Arj schrieb:
you need to power it with power (so the wireless feature can function) the way to do it is plug it into a lamp socket or use their stands which are plugged to a power socket

Violet is a completely wireless system where you can actually screw in the speaker into the socket like a light bulb or you can plug it into the nearest power outlet.

ie unless they have a rechargeable battery built in or they have found a way to make electricity also travel wirelessly cheap enough for practical use

OK! i thought that huge base had a rechargeable battery in it (such a big base shouldn't go empty! The wireless receiver will be tiny & the rest could be long-life battery).....
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