Denon 1604 or HK AVR130 or something else ? Confused

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#1 erstellt: 17. Jan 2005, 08:45
Setting up my new Hi-fi system. Yesterday I had been to the Denon/ProFX showroom here in Bangalore. I got to audition Denon 1604 with KEF and ProFX speakers. KEF seemed to be way ahead of proFX but was above my Budget ( KEF costed around 50k per pair). Now I just want to know about the performance/opinion and past experiences of Denon 1604 from you people. I was satisfied with its performance in stereo mode but couldn't conclude whether it is the best in its price range (25k for the amp). I want to audition the HK AVR130 (a 5.1 reciever as compared to Denon which is a 6.1 setup). But still I am skeptical about my decission because I will not be able to compare them side-by-side with the same pair of speakers which makes things uncomfortable while deciding upon their performance.

Please help me in this regard in whatever possible ways you can. If you any experiences with any of these AVRs or other products in the same price range (below 30k) then please share. Also help me in deciding the best by letting me know about the best possible ways to audition these products and reaching a conclusion.
My preference for Stereo and HT is 50:50.
#2 erstellt: 18. Jan 2005, 14:05
kef has many ranges of speakers starting from 18k onwards. They have the q sereis, the coda series, the x series etc.

denon recvrs are pretty decent on the entry level front. trust your ears.

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