Anyone auditioned the Sonodyne Sonus 2605 v2?

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#1 erstellt: 12. Apr 2008, 13:17

Is the Sonus 2605v2 different from the earlier 2605 version? Or is it just the 'old wine in a new bottle?'

#2 erstellt: 12. Apr 2008, 18:53
In the Mumbai listening room at Atria mall, I hope they are using something other than Cambridge Audio amp + CDP to audition it. That is what it was when I heard the original a year or more ago. It was too bright and so hard to judge.
#3 erstellt: 14. Apr 2008, 08:42
I have heard these with couple of amps. INMHO Avoid them like the plague
For the money, pick up a decent bookshelf speaker from Epos, Quad or morduant short or better still go DIY
#4 erstellt: 14. Apr 2008, 13:51
abhi is the sonodyne man..he should know about this
Abhi ? Kahaan ho ?
#5 erstellt: 15. Apr 2008, 04:50
Hum yahaan hain Sarkar.. .
I havent listned to this speaker but the Sonodyne sales guy told me that its just an external changes to the sound. I anyway liked the older looks. The current model looks much more mass-market compared to the older one which looked more classy.

BTW, the speaker sounds decent with right amplification. I have heard them with Marantz PM-7200 and Sonodyne pre-power combo...the tonality is nice for the price...but it lacks the spot on imaging of Bookshelves in the same price range IMO.
#6 erstellt: 15. Apr 2008, 06:00
My auditions of these were casual. Once at the sonodyne showroom ( played on sonodyne pre/power) and once at a friends home on rotel pre power. My friend has since moved them into a HT setup and is currently using a pair of used Jbls (restored vintage) he managed to find with the Rotels.
#7 erstellt: 15. Apr 2008, 07:25

square_wave schrieb:
My auditions of these were casual. Once at the sonodyne showroom ( played on sonodyne pre/power) and once at a friends home on rotel pre power.

Are you sure it was the pre-power from Sonodyne and not their integrated amp ?? I ask because I seem to recollect you mentioning the audition with their integrated amp..thats an ordinary amp btw.
And Rotel would never go with 2605, I am pretty sure about it. They need warm sounding electronics with good current capabilities...need not be high powered though.

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 15. Apr 2008, 07:27 bearbeitet]
#8 erstellt: 15. Apr 2008, 08:09
Listening with pre power was at their showroom. Have bumped into those speakers many other times at some dealer’s places too playing on integrateds and other amps. Never really paid much attention though. Thorough listening was with the Rotels and some Sansui vintage amp at my friend’s place. I was on holiday and had lots of free time……… The restored Jbls thumped them big time.
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