Taking the plunge : sonodyne speakers - please advise!

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#1 erstellt: 26. Feb 2005, 12:22
Ok, after weeks of searching around, I have finally decided to go with the sonodyne speakers for my home theatre. I am getting the foll package :

Sonus 2605 towers : fronts
Sonus C2401 : centre
Sonus R-ears : surrounds
Roarr 2815 : Sub

the whole package costs me around 50K.
What do you guys think of it, is it a worthwhile deal or is there something else I can get for the same cost? the speakers do sound good and also lot of guys on this forum say that their speakers are value for money. I hope I am making the right decision.
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#2 erstellt: 27. Feb 2005, 16:57
the price of 50k for that config is very good, espedially since u get the top of the line subwoofer along with the package.
the same config from wharfedale that i have (only the fronts and center)has cost me 29k, so far.
will, get the diamond8.1s(another 9-10k) to keep the tonal matching and complete the set.
therefore,if u go for wharfedale it would probably set u off by about another 5-12k.
they are very good. have had them for about 6 months.

i say listen to both setups as its a huge sum which u will be spending.
better to listen to all choices in ur price range and then make the descision.
BTW what revceiver and DVD player will u be using?
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#3 erstellt: 27. Feb 2005, 17:34
if u r in Bangalore why don't u drop in and check out my system?
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#4 erstellt: 28. Feb 2005, 09:42
i am based in Mumbai. I was thinking of getting the wharfdale speakers but like you said it will cost me more.
#5 erstellt: 28. Feb 2005, 09:53

Maybe the wharfedale speakers may cost you a bit more, not too much more. Hear them out and then decide.

For whatever its worth, I walked into the pro fx shop at crossroads mumbai yesterday to audition polk audio speakers but they had not arrived in bombay yet. I was told by the maager, Yusuf, there that there are some special prices going for KEF cresta and Kef coda models. Have you heard them ? Maybe you could try out those. Maybe they would fit your budget ?


#6 erstellt: 28. Feb 2005, 10:54
As Manek mentioned.listen to more brands.you might arrive at a better conclusion........I still feel @50K you will definetely make away with a better deal
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#7 erstellt: 28. Feb 2005, 10:56
as i recall the guy at Profx said that the coda 90 can be got for 32.5 instead of 37 or38k.
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#8 erstellt: 28. Feb 2005, 16:16
you guys are telling me that I can get better for 50K so please advise me which speakers I should buy. mind you, I am looking for a complete 5.1 package and my movie/music listening is gonna be 50/50. the Keff coda 90 might be good speakers but they are just the towers, I still need to get the sub woofer, centre and rear to fit within my budget.
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#9 erstellt: 28. Feb 2005, 17:35
hey trivi,
given ur budget i see only sonodyne and Wharfedale to be in ur budget(good products) and maybe u can consider Torvin(but sonodyne and wharfedale are anyday better choices).
IMHO u can also take a look at the Kef eggs.
happy listening.
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#10 erstellt: 01. Mrz 2005, 02:11
so you mean to say that sonodyne are still good speakers to buy, right? I will have a look at wharfdale over the weekend and then decide. anyway the sonodyne's floor standers still sounded good to me. but I dont want to go for the dipolars as my rears, will go for some normal bookshelf type. maybe I can mix n match speakers and have sonodynes as the fronts and wharfedales as the rears or pandam even. anyway thanks for the input guys...heres hoping I make the right choice
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#11 erstellt: 01. Mrz 2005, 03:15
for the complete 5.1 in 50k i see very little choices unless u want to mix and match. i would stick to the same company for center and fronts but u can try out others for subwoofers and rears. don't know abt pandam so won't comment.

[Beitrag von benkenobi am 01. Mrz 2005, 03:15 bearbeitet]
#12 erstellt: 01. Mrz 2005, 05:42
I believe the kef cresta's are way cheaper around 20-22K for a pair so maybe there is room to fit in the centre and sub and surrounds.

Wharfedale is definately a contender to sonodyne. Actually wharfedale 8.3 with the matching centre and surrounds may fit in your budget too.

Please stick with a single vendor set. Mixing and matching with HT is asking for trouble.

Please hear as many speaker sets as possible. Dont jump to the first nice sounding set you hear.

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#13 erstellt: 01. Mrz 2005, 17:05
hey trivisingh,
manek is right - hear as many brands as u can. ultimately it shld match ur budget and tastes. i hv wharfie diamond 8.2 fronts and am happy with it but depending on what u listen to u may find it a bit laidback, but its VFM.
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