Opinion needed on sonodyne Sonus 2605

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#1 erstellt: 26. Jan 2005, 14:21

Follow up from my earlier post, I tried Jamo 590 with Onkyo tx-nr900 and liked them.

However, when I tried sonodyne sonus 2605 towers, I surprisingly liked them a lot too, and for 22k a pair they seem like a bargain to me.

Can someone please help me if sonus 2605 will do justice to my onkyo tx-nr900? Has 2605 been tested by veterans on this forum with high end receivers?

Or should I just go for jamo 590? Is the difference of 50k between 2605 and jamo 590 justified? I don't want to compromise a lot on quality, but the price of 2605 is mouthwatering.

Please help

#2 erstellt: 27. Jan 2005, 05:29
you do mean the jamo D590 right ?
if you like both equally and the diff is 50K the answer is quite clear ! why spend the 50K ?

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#3 erstellt: 27. Jan 2005, 05:35
I heard it too and I thought they were an excellent value proposition. If you add the Roarr sub woofer and it becomes unbeatable!!!

Methinks you cannot surpass that combination with anything under Rs. 100k.

Purely my opinion and based on my tastes.

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#4 erstellt: 27. Jan 2005, 05:38
By the way I refer to the Sonodyne, Amp, Towers and Sub woofer combo.

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#5 erstellt: 27. Jan 2005, 07:28
yes, i mean the d590 from jamo .

However as Roshan said, for the price of 22k I indeed was blown away by the richness of sound (it even passed my ear's test on some rock CDs) and the overall value prop. I would go to as far as saying (at the cost of being flamed on this forum !) that 2605 in my opinion beat the B&W S3603 (priced at rs 75000!). At the momnet for me, 2605 is very high on the price-value curve. It is very heartening to see sonodyne back with a bang. They have taken prime space in bangalore's most prestigious mall called "The forum" and it is great to see an indian brand take on the imports with a price that suits the indian pocket. The question is should I pick up sonodyne subwoofers too.

#6 erstellt: 27. Jan 2005, 07:41
I feel no sub will offer the bang for buck like roarrrrr series and sound quality is amazing.go ahead no second thoughts...my personal experience...no owner of sonodyne has ever been made felt to sell his system..upgrades apart..it will rock you for years with trouble free performance.
#7 erstellt: 27. Jan 2005, 07:54
manish...go with your ears...buy what they tell you.

BTW sonodyne should last you a few years. Make sure you have the warranties right.

If you are buying floorstanders then it makes sense to buy the sonodyne sub as well and make a package out of it.

#8 erstellt: 27. Jan 2005, 08:31
Thats my favourite topic I am a Sonodyne fan too more because of its value for money and 'getting it straight attitude'. I own a Sonodyne syatem too (an old one). Yes
SUB BOSS is right that its very difficult to sell it and you simply dont want to part from it apart from an upgrade. I think I still dont understand is what is your budget like ? You can go as low as 22k and as high as 75k is it so ??? Ok if you can actually afford 60k - 70k then take a look at KEF Q7 speakers kept at PROfx showroom in Barton centre (MG Road) in Bangalore....Its damn good . You can also listen to QUAD speakers which you will find in 'Total Sound' at Gem plaza near Safina plaza . A guy named Anand owns the shop his mobile no is 9886722937. Sonodyne is good but since you have a flexible budget so you can hunt for more. About the sub-woofer. I bet you can't beat Sonodyne for even twice the price range. It has a twin driver sub which can blow a weakly constructed roof in few minutes JOKING. But you wont ask for more is what I feel. I would also add that if you go for a sub that means you got the Bass depth you want so now you can look for a more refined speaker like the Wharfdale Diamond 8.4 (Price 22K) which has got the refinity and detailing of real high end speaker. You can again get it at TOTAL SOUND. This wharfdale speaker lacks the bass depth of Sonus 2605 but sounds more refined. TAKE A LOOK.
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#9 erstellt: 27. Jan 2005, 11:34

Which Sonodyne subs did you audition? I am a bit confused having a cusrory glance at their range (have not checked detailed specs). They have Roarr 1810 and 2825 and then they have another roarr range - I, II, III and g22. With the sonus towers, the sonodyne technical person recommended to me the roarr 2815. Is that the right combo? The receiver is Onkyo tx-nr900 (7.1 with 180 watts continuos per channel, 110 rms)

#10 erstellt: 27. Jan 2005, 12:04
yes its the Roarr 2815 with dual cone and 150 watt rms that I auditioned and recommend to go for. Check it out at www.sonodyne.com.
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#11 erstellt: 27. Jan 2005, 15:04
Yes, the Roarr 2815 with the sonus towers is what I heard. Good clear mid-range, Powerful base. Sync/Tune the sub woofer to your liking. I love listening to classical/rock/blues/jazz at low volumes- so I end up wanting the sub a little higher than most.

My work entails a lot of travel and I have heard many Audio combinations in the last couple of years,and this was the only one I almost plonked my money down on.

You might want to know why I did not?......I had a higher budget and it's now or never for me. If I don't splurge now, I never will!!!!!

If you like it on first impressions, it's probably what you will be happy with.

I remember around 10 years ago I went out to buy a Sony/Panasonic Hi-fi with a budget of 20-25k. I ended up buying a URANUS for 5-6k!!! Never regretted it.

#12 erstellt: 28. Jan 2005, 14:52

you'll never regret SONODYNE purchase it's excellent value for money and very good performance ..c'mon go ahead and audition them.if u r in bangalore plz visit FORUM and the guy there Harish pooviah is quite proffesional....listen for a longer duration it will cast a spell on you. If you have a higher budget it doesn't mean that you have to miss on SONODYNE..or you can try ABSOLUTE PHASE..pritvi is one guy who can direct you in the right direction
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#13 erstellt: 31. Jan 2005, 07:17
i auditioned the sonus 2605,mission 74i and the diamond 8.4s. it was very clear to me that the wahrfies were way better.
i have seen comments about the 8.4s that they do not have enough bass. come on! after having them for around 6 months they have simply gotten better with time. the only reasson i am going for a sub is because my room is pretty large 14x24 and also that i am a bass head.
also the listening area of the sonodyne shop in Forum is too small.

the stereo soundstage you get(afetr careful placement) is unbelievable.
but bild quality is a bit of a let down. only the diamond center seems to have the best build among the diamond series. but all of them come with internal monster xp wiring.
the grilles are cheap(seen in all the diamonds) and is probably the only downside that i can point out at this price range.

anyone looking in the price range of 60 to 80k really need to look at the Opus pair at total sound. another honourable mention is the defnitive technology bipolar floorstanders.
#14 erstellt: 31. Jan 2005, 08:16
I agree with you Obi Wan !
8.4 are the best of the 3 you mentioned.

(May the force be with you !)

#15 erstellt: 31. Jan 2005, 08:43
I agree with you that Wharfdales give a more refined output then the Sonodynes, but what I felt during the audition at Total Sound is that I will very soon overgrow the effect and look for more....More so because of the lack of Bass depth. I didnt get the punch out of those speakers while I could very well enjoy the mids and the highs. But the Sonodynes kicked my ass when played at similar volume levels. Anyway Now I am waiting for Diamond 9s which has supposedly compensated the Bass that lacked in Diamond8s (according to the Total Sound guy).
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#16 erstellt: 31. Jan 2005, 09:25

This weekend, I ended up buying the sonodyne 2605 towers with roarr 2815 sub and the sound is really something.

Before that, I Went to Prithvi , had a great time(and had also the honor of meeting subboss there and heard the Proac and dynaaudio, both of which were truly outstanding (i could not believe dynaaudio bookshleves great bass and it beat some other towersd that i auditioned else where) but were quite very expensive, given the rock sound I wanted was given by the 2605+1815 at one third the price of proac.

Also audiotined wharfedale at total sound and agree with some others on this forum that it lacked the bass (for my rock music) that sonodynes gave me.

i am all set now and enjoying the onkyo tx-nr900 with sonodyne. just waiting for my switch/router to arrive to connect the onkyo to the ethernet port and enjoy net radio stations as well as stream digital music from my PC. How exciting can life get !!!

#17 erstellt: 31. Jan 2005, 09:32
Hi! Manish,
Congrats, Great to know you ended up buying what fits ur budget and sound. Have a blast.


PS: Will keep teasing you with new real hi-end audio equipment when it comes to AP. Do drop-in for a cuppa anytime but just call b4 u come.
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#18 erstellt: 31. Jan 2005, 09:38
hey manish,
man do i envy you. i have been trying to find a way to play my digital music from my comp on my setup without burning a cd. do you have any suggestions so that i could do the same. they are around 20 25 feet from one another.
by the way keep us informed about your setup during break in.
how much did u pay for the onkyo.
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