which is better - Sonodyne Sonus 2605 or Wharfedale Diamond 8.4?

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#1 erstellt: 02. Jun 2006, 17:34

In Floorstanders, which is the better option - Sonus 2605 or the Diamond 8.4?

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#2 erstellt: 06. Jun 2006, 06:04

I had compared the two recently and found the 2605 to have better bass but the treble sounded a bit shrill. You'll need to discount for the following:

1. Am a newbie (heard that thing about "blind leading blind, both falling in ditch"??)

2. Different amps were used to demo the two of them (actually the 8.4 was demoed with a AVR).

P.S. P.S. pl. forgive me for assuming that you are a newbie yourself, if you aren't one. BTW, I eventually bought the 8.4.

[Beitrag von raftuq am 06. Jun 2006, 06:07 bearbeitet]
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