Help identifying speaker

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#1 erstellt: 30. Sep 2014, 10:52
I started a diy project and i'm hoping you guys can help me.
I have 2 x 20 cm, 8 ohm, bass speaker called EXIM made in W. Germany
I would like to find as much details about them, sure i would like the T/S values but i don't think that's possible
Does anyone have any ideea at least on what kind or brand speakers these were mounted ?
Maybe i can find any details about frequency response or something.
Thank you !
here are the pictures

Hat sich gelöscht
#2 erstellt: 25. Feb 2019, 06:38
Hi ,
these speakers seem a younger knockoff (cheaper cage) of the ones they produced for various brands in Germany during the late 80`s and 90`s .
My recommondation as I have just restored a pair bearing a similar is that you cut off the bass as early as your midrange allows you to -
Put a cap parallel before it and you`ll receive a propper tight bass related to the size of the cabinet.
They`re stiff and tight so worth trying!
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