DIY Projector

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#1 erstellt: 20. Sep 2006, 09:07
I hate the fact the Mumbai guys have taken the lead over us Bangaloreans !!!

I know just the project to move you Bangalore guys ....away from the couch .

How about a DIY projector for less than Rs.15,000/. More than 2000 lumens...and extermely high quality picture...generally found in projectors costing more than a lakh.

More the number of guys...the better.

FYI : I'm away the whole of next the actual meeting and project can start the week after. And...i actually have a working prototype in my place .

#2 erstellt: 22. Sep 2006, 04:29
MY GOD !!!!

I cannot believe there are no takers for this project in Bangalore

#3 erstellt: 22. Sep 2006, 05:28
Yeah Siva.

A PITY ... even though I am not a Home Theatre guy... just the learning experience.....
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