DIY rip fence for circular saw

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#1 erstellt: 06. Mai 2009, 09:13
I rigged up a cheap rip fence or guide for a circular saw
to cut long lengths of ply to an accurate width.
Once you set the guide, you can get the same width
for every cut.

I cut about 4 strips of ply from 8'x4' sheet for
my Sachiko speakers and all are absolutely precise
at 11 3/4" width.

You need a couple of lengths of threaded rod,
8 pairs of nuts and washers and a flat metal strip of
about 1/2" width and 8" to 12" length.
I used two lengths of 20" of 8mm threaded rods.

I cut two strips of about 1.5" , drilled holes for
the threaded rod, and welded them to the base of
the circular saw. Welded two such strips
to the long metal strip.

The pics here should be self explanatory.

- Prasad

[Beitrag von quadtech am 06. Mai 2009, 09:16 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#2 erstellt: 06. Mai 2009, 13:48

Looks interesting !

Thanks for sharing ! will be useful when building stuff with wood !

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