My new DIY headphones

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#1 erstellt: 25. Jan 2009, 07:05
I just finished making my first SFI driver based headphones..
Donors were NOS Pickering OA-3..

I am not yet done with these..but, going to burn them in for about 50 hors and then take a look at them again.

So far, very nice treble extension..I might want to reduce it a bit though.

Mids are good as well but not silky smooth.

The bass is probably the one area where I am not all that happy with.

IT is there and all but sounds wrong to me somewhat. I have a feeling that these need more damping on the back cover of the cups. Currently, I only have a couple of layers of felt, some dampening on the front baffle and fiberfill in between. I might consider dampening the back covers around the periphery with some blu tack.

I don't believe in cables and such, so these were terminated with Canare Mini star quad and Neutrik TRS plug.

Some other minor things are, the cups are not oriented right..I don't know if my placement of felt is right.

I have another pair of SFIs..those are going to go in to the Pioneer Monitor 10s that I have lying around.

Here are some pics..

My headphone collection is now

Beyerdynamic DT-770 pro-80 (dynamic)
Pioneer MOnitor 10 (dynamic)
Yamaha RH5-MA (dynamic)
Fostex T50RP (Orthodynamic)
Yamaha YH-100 (Orthodynamic)
DIY Pickering-SFIs (Orthodynamic)

[Beitrag von Savyasaachi am 25. Jan 2009, 07:14 bearbeitet]
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#2 erstellt: 26. Jan 2009, 06:23
Nice job! I hope you can get to tweak the bass too.
You need to put heatshrink on the cable and
also use some nylox flex sleeving.
Apparently, there is a factory in Bangalore
which makes the same kind of stuff available from


#3 erstellt: 27. Jan 2009, 01:57

quadtech schrieb:
Nice job! I hope you can get to tweak the bass too.
You need to put heatshrink on the cable and
also use some nylox flex sleeving.
Apparently, there is a factory in Bangalore
which makes the same kind of stuff available from



Thanks for the compliments...I am actually using heatshrink at the split and also I am surprised you don't see the techflex on the cable already all the way from the Neutrik plug to the split in the wires.

I have ordered some speaker caulking material from parts express , also need some more blu tack to mass damp the cups..Gonna try with different mount of acoustic dampening material too..need to look for some foam for wool would be great but don't know where to source it in small quantities here..yet.

Main thing I will be doing is closing the air gaps first, make sure a tight seal of the driver on the front baffle, mechanically damp the cups with caulking material, bitumen clay and blu tack.Then play around with the acoustic dampening.
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#4 erstellt: 27. Jan 2009, 12:34
My bad. It was done so neatly, I thought it was the bare cable that looked like that!
(I did notice the heatshrink at the split after my post.)

Where did you get the SFI drivers, and what impedance?

[Beitrag von quadtech am 27. Jan 2009, 12:35 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 02. Feb 2009, 02:44

quadtech schrieb:
My bad. It was done so neatly, I thought it was the bare cable that looked like that!
(I did notice the heatshrink at the split after my post.)

Where did you get the SFI drivers, and what impedance?

I bought the SFI drivers off of ebay. They are 32 ohms impedance. SFI drivers
Ist häufiger hier
#6 erstellt: 15. Mai 2011, 20:06
I'm a little bit late but hopefully not too late.

If the sound is sharp you may try resistors serial to each driver to increase their impedance. This will lead to decreased loudness on the one hand but will let sound the drivers different as the trebble will be damped more than the bass. Would start to try with 70 Ohm resistors, changing to less if the sound isn't good than. Costs will be less than 1 Dollar.
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