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Good free site for flac format songs

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#151 erstellt: 27. Dez 2008, 15:18

Been curious to know...would there be a difference in audio when a laptop is played off the battery and mains ? Provided it has decent audio circuitry.......

Though I wasd Expecting / hoping for better performance on Battery power , I had not heard a difference using my Fujitsu Laptop's USB feeding the UD-10.
#152 erstellt: 27. Dez 2008, 16:01

Could you please keep the links of free music download sites to your email or pm's ?

I am told that the forum doesn't allow the posting of such links.

#153 erstellt: 27. Dez 2008, 19:34

Manek schrieb:

Could you please keep the links of free music download sites to your email or pm's ?

I am told that the forum doesn't allow the posting of such links.


Manek, point may want to lock this thread due to the Title ?
if so we can move this discussion to another thread.
#154 erstellt: 27. Dez 2008, 19:37

Amp_Nut schrieb:

Though I wasd Expecting / hoping for better performance on Battery power , I had not heard a difference using my Fujitsu Laptop's USB feeding the UD-10.

hmm..maybe your Fujitsu has a good USB controller ?. BTW i use this on a desktop and I have 3 other USB devices plugged in all the time (2 HDDs and a WebCam).
#155 erstellt: 28. Dez 2008, 04:15
Arj, just clarifying

I was referring to no change in sound when the Laptop was battery driven vs a Mains powered laptop.

The UD-10 battery driven yields a significant improvement.
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