WANTED : Good speakers in a tight budget

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#1 erstellt: 21. Jan 2011, 16:30
I am looking around for a decent sounding speaker for a colleague of mine. He is no audiophile, just that he was looking around to buy some mass-market audio system and I lured him to buy something more decent. I have promised him to get him a good setup for about 25k odd . I know it is very difficult but at least I can try. I know this guy is serious about music and would invest in good quality CDs if he has a decent system. Also, he is not going to upgrade or anything, just a one time setup which he is going to keep for a long time and enjoy music.

First off I want to try and get him a decent speakers, something better than the typical Wharfedale, Monitor Audio, Jamo stuff. May be a used Quad 11L or something in that league. Source would most probably be a DVDP at first, till I can get him around to buy a CDP .

Please do let me know if you or any of your friends have anything decent to dispose for around 15-17k. The only condition is it should not look too old, you see for him he is spending a hell lot of money and he cannot believe he is getting some scratched 2nd hand speakers for that kind of money. In fact he was hell bent to buy a new speaker for that money but I am somehow resisting.

Please contact me if you see any such deals around.

#2 erstellt: 21. Jan 2011, 16:53
At that budget, you can't go wrong with Wharfedale Diamonds. I think the distributor in Mumbai has a deal for the 8 series (which IMO has been their best, so far.)

Even new Wharfedale Diamonds (the 10 series, I believe) can be had at that budget.

Check it out.
#3 erstellt: 21. Jan 2011, 17:19
Abhi, if he is Not the type to go for upgrades in the future, a compact system like the Denon M38 would be a great option. its around 30K but comes with a cd/tuner etc

Putting together a Hifi based component system at this price would need to be with used equipment
#4 erstellt: 21. Jan 2011, 17:57
Arj, your suggestion is not bad at all, however have to check about its pricing in India and obviously to check how much of a compromise is it. Because for 30k odd I could get an active speaker from Sonodyne which was really nice the last time I heard it. Chances are that I may not be able to convince him to put down 30k unless I show him something outstanding. However I will try the Denon.

Shahrukh, thanks for the pointer. I too think their Diamond 9 series was a step back sonically (have not heard the 10 series). Wharfedale is a default choice anyway if I dont get anything better in the used market. Something like the JMR twins
#5 erstellt: 21. Jan 2011, 18:11
Good luck with that
#6 erstellt: 25. Jan 2011, 06:05

He says he prefers Mumbai buyers, but see if you can work something out.
Ist häufiger hier
#7 erstellt: 27. Jan 2011, 09:35

He says he prefers Mumbai buyers, but see if you can work something out.

That is already sold,he's a friend of mine and has upgraded sine then upgraded to my new DIY Speakers !

Here's the review of the same posted by him on the speakers !

Sreekanth's (Soundsgreat) new BS speaker

Should OP be interested in the same Am more then willing to let him Audition the same.


[Beitrag von Soundsgreat am 27. Jan 2011, 09:39 bearbeitet]
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