Good quality jewel cases for cds

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#1 erstellt: 12. Okt 2009, 06:47
Hi guys,
I have quite a few cds whose cases are cracked or broken. I am looking to pick up some good quality cases (thick old fashioned ones).I keep finding the slim variety all over the place.
I saw some in a stationary store for 9 bucks a piece. The quality is pathetic.
Does anyone deal in these in india ?
Looking ror atleast 50 of them.
#2 erstellt: 31. Okt 2009, 12:23
I bought a few boxes from Rhythm House once. They use them as replacements on their broken covers and sell them too.
#3 erstellt: 02. Nov 2009, 18:17
Square_wave, ask KB where he orders his.
#4 erstellt: 03. Nov 2009, 07:56
A few people had suggested Rhythm house. Will check on this one.
There is one stationary shop dude out here who said he will show me some cases this weekend. Let me have a look at them.
I had a chat with KB . He also mentioned Rhythm house.
Will keep you all posted. Thanks.
#5 erstellt: 03. Nov 2009, 07:57
You can find them in SP Road (Bangalore), I once picked up a few @ ~20 apiece...the old design like you wanted but the quality was not all that fantastic...
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