SUBWOOFER for BMW 3 (F30) limousine

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#1 erstellt: 01. Mai 2019, 16:31
Hello all,

According to your personal experiences or your proposals;
I received a lot of negative answers form different peoples and installers ;
SUB in BMW Limo will no be OK ?!

Could you be so kind and helpo me;
Which woofer and to which location ?
Trunk-left side (aprox 15 liter) or in the bottom of the trunk (aprox 25-29 liter)

I think..10" is maximal diameter.

Requirements : SQ / enoug loud / able to function at very low RMS level.

and, mybe, your proposal for appropriate Amplifier ?

Kind Regards
#2 erstellt: 01. Mai 2019, 17:15
Hi Andrej,

no, a woofer in that location is not a good idea simply because the trunk is separated from the cabin. Due to this instance you will always have losses regarding output and more interesting in impulse response which will result in the woofer not playing "on point" or "crisp". More likely it will just sound rather boomy and undefined.

Don't you have a ski bag opening behind your center arm rest in the middle of your rear seats? Then it would be possible to put a woofer there, either in a CB box or in an infinite baffle application. That would be perfect for a SQ project.
#3 erstellt: 01. Mai 2019, 17:48
Thank you.
Yes I have possibility to open ski bag "doors" in the middle of the rear seat.
This opening will be aprox . 25 cm x 45 cm , is this, I hope, enough ?

What about BANDPASS with port directly to cabine ?
..but port has to be enough long (acc. to specification)

Open buffle;
I don't find appropriate SUBWOOFER unit for that application for my car.
I B principle

That woofer has to be max. 25cm (10"). I think, for that appl. woofer has to be very big (12" or 15")

Maybe, this option;
Infinite Buffle installation


[Beitrag von *Vergaser* am 01. Mai 2019, 17:52 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 01. Mai 2019, 18:05
Bandpass will be quite big and I thought you didn't want to lose that much space...

You can easily fit a 15" as an IB, I did that on an E36 here and worked out great. Only the woofer has to fit for the application. EBP <60, Qts >0.5, VAS >100L and FS <30Hz. Then it's perfect.

A good woofer would be the FI Audio IB3 15", created for those applications.

[Beitrag von Joze1 am 01. Mai 2019, 18:07 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 05. Mai 2019, 04:21
There are still some IB-Chassis on the market, check out "Audio System Radion 12 FA" or "Gladen RS 12 FA" for instance. Regarding the needed TSP values, there might be even much more. One guy here used a "Crunch Xfat 124" which isn´t sold as an IB-Chassis but it works great. Another guy just found out that a specific Chassis from "Kicker" works fine as an IB solution, i could search that later if needed.

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