Jazz Concert (Austin, Klugh, James) / Mum, Del / Jan 22-29

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#1 erstellt: 19. Jan 2008, 16:56
January 22 - 29Delhi, Mumbai
U.S. State Department Tour to India

Featuring Patti Austin, Earl Klugh, Bob James, and Bobby Watson with Thelonious Monk Institute Alumni

(There was an advert in a local newspaper with more details but can't find it now.)

Update for Mumbai: http://www.mumbaifestival.in/International_festival.html

Event Title : International Music & Dance Program – Jazz Masters – Vh1

Date & Timings : Friday 25th January 07:00 pm onwards Tata Theatre, NCPA

Event Brief :
Performance by Bob James, Patty Austin and Earl Klugh
Tickets available at venue

[Beitrag von particleman am 19. Jan 2008, 17:03 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 26. Jan 2008, 15:57
Did anyone attend the concert? Would like to hear about your experience. I was too late buying tickets and they were sold out by last Tuesday when I checked at Rhythm House. Oh well, next time...
#3 erstellt: 11. Feb 2008, 08:34

I did go to the concert in bombay and enjoyed it immensely.

Except for the opening number, everything else was very good.

"round midnight", my fav track was also played and that was the icing on the cake for me.

Fun evening. Patti Austin I heard her for the first time and that to live. She is a good singer. Will be hunting for her albums. Earl Klugh was his usual soft and smooth self. I quite liked the lady pianist as well.

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