Average Concert - Nice Evening - NCPA - 14th March.

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#1 erstellt: 13. Mrz 2008, 07:05
Festival Arties India 2008

Chamber Music Festival

Tata Theatre
Fri. 14th & Sat. 15th – 7.00 pm

The company Arties Event Mangement is the creative association of its founder Gauthier Herrmann and Morgan Segui. They are dedicated to the production of high quality musical events. Wishing to bring the best of western music to India, the Arties Festival will present nine renowned young musicians and the finest in chamber music. For further information please log on to www.artiesevent.com

Sullimann Altmayer, Mathilde Borsarello, Joseph André (violin)
Julien Dabonneville (viola)
Gauthier Herrmann, Henri Demarquette (cello)
Romain Descharmes, Samuel Parent (piano)
Olivier Patey (clarinet)

Programme :

14th March:
Beethoven – trio op. 70 no.1
Brahms – clarinet trio op. 114
Franck – piano quintet
Prokofiev – ouverture sur des themes juifs

15th March:
Mozart – clarinet quintet
Brahms – 2nd sonata cello/piano
Chausson – concerto for violin, piano and string quartet
Glazounow – reverie for clarinet and string quartet

Tickets: Rs.200/-, Rs.120/- & Rs.60/-.

Box Office: March 1 for Members and March 4 for the Public.
#2 erstellt: 17. Mrz 2008, 07:45
I went for this on saturday and enjoyed this concert immensely. They were young musicians playing their hearts out and that was the magic.

Thank you NCPA.

I believe they would be playing in pune and delhi(if I am not mistaken)

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