Western Classical Music Concert: Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra [Feb 1, 08]

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#1 erstellt: 16. Jan 2008, 16:04
Details from the NCPA, Mumbai, web site:

Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra

Western Music Concert
Jamshed Bhabha Theatre
Fri. 1st Feb. - 7.30 pm

In celebration of 'sister cities', Mumbai and Stuttgart.

Founded in 1945, the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra has held a top position in the international orchestral world for more than 60 years, and is the oldest professional chamber orchestra in the world. It has established a reputation for its exemplary interpretations of JS Bach, an attempt to liberate this music from the influence of the Romantic Age. It is a frequent guest on international concert and festival podiums. Over the years, it has worked with leading conductors and eminent soloists; has an extensive discography; and has won numerous awards. Since September 2006, Michael Hofstetter has been its principal conductor.

Details available here:
#2 erstellt: 16. Jan 2008, 16:56
Will surely attend.

'Switch it On' could you please try and get some tickets ?
I shall appreciate it.


#3 erstellt: 16. Jan 2008, 19:17
Even though I am not a huge fan of Western Classical I always enjoy a live performance of any sort. It is such a rarity here. I only wish I had checked the NCPA schedule earlier -- yesterday there was a concert by pianist Joseph Banowetz who played Bach, Beethoven, Schubert, Tchaikovsky, Debussy and Liszt. I greatly enjoy listening to solo piano so I truly regret having missed that one. Hope I can remember this one.
#4 erstellt: 17. Jan 2008, 08:53
Would they be touring Delhi also?
#5 erstellt: 17. Jan 2008, 09:21

Kamal schrieb:
Would they be touring Delhi also?

It does not look like it. Their own web site is not up to date and so does not mention tour dates. I also found this press release which states that the event is "a major celebration to mark the 40th Anniversary of the twinning arrangement between the cities of Stuttgart and Mumbai" and so I think it will be limited to our beloved island city.
#6 erstellt: 18. Jan 2008, 08:36

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

3 more concerts;
I have booked my tickets already;

Do try and attend.
#7 erstellt: 18. Jan 2008, 08:37
Saturday, February 09, 2008

The Virtuoso Violin

Georges Bizet

Edouard Lalo

Pietro Mascagni

Maurice Ravel

Giuseppe Verdi

Manuel de Falla

Marat Bisengaliev, violin - Johannes Wildner,conductor

Carmen - Prelude

Symphony espagnole

Cavalleria rusticana: Intermezzo sinfonico

Tzigane for violin and orchestra

La Forza del destino: Overture

La vida breve: Danse espagnole
#8 erstellt: 18. Jan 2008, 08:38
Friday, February 15, 2008
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Ludwig van Beethoven

John Lenehan, piano - Marat Bisengaliev, violin - Raphael Wallfisch, violoncello - Johannes Wildner, conductor

"Linzer" Symphony C major No. 36 KV 425

"Triple" - Concerto for piano, violin and violoncello C major op. 56

* Intermission *

Modest Mussorgsky

Pictures at an exhibition
#9 erstellt: 03. Feb 2008, 20:41

particleman schrieb:

Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra

Western Music Concert
Jamshed Bhabha Theatre
Fri. 1st Feb. - 7.30 pm

In celebration of 'sister cities', Mumbai and Stuttgart.

Founded in 1945, the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra has held a top position in the international orchestral world for more than 60 years, and is the oldest professional chamber orchestra in the world. It has established a reputation for its exemplary interpretations of JS Bach, an attempt to liberate this music from the influence of the Romantic Age. It is a frequent guest on international concert and festival podiums. Over the years, it has worked with leading conductors and eminent soloists; has an extensive discography; and has won numerous awards. Since September 2006, Michael Hofstetter has been its principal conductor.

Details [/url]

Just Returned.

Superb Performance !!!

One of the better concerts I attended @ J. B. Opera House.
The SOI was below par, but the S.C.O. player exceptional.
The Principal Violinist - Benjamin Hudson [I think that is his name] was too good. Lovely performance. Really Enjoyed it.
p.s. it was for free !!! [Only happens in India]

All y u Mumbai fellows - Blus Frog on Monday @ 1900 Hours. I have posted it under that thread. Do come !!!
#10 erstellt: 10. Feb 2008, 08:36

bhagwan69 schrieb:
Saturday, February 09, 2008

The Virtuoso Violin

Georges Bizet

Edouard Lalo

Pietro Mascagni

Maurice Ravel

Giuseppe Verdi

Manuel de Falla

Marat Bisengaliev, violin - Johannes Wildner,conductor

Carmen - Prelude

Symphony espagnole

Cavalleria rusticana: Intermezzo sinfonico

Tzigane for violin and orchestra

La Forza del destino: Overture

La vida breve: Danse espagnole

Heard it yesterday;

Had the seat I was dreaming of for years - G 21.
The performance was 'average' at best !! Sorry.

How I wish I was to get this seat 1 week back......

The conductor was sweet and energetic.
The 1st Violin & 1st Chello were good.
The Flute / Picolo too was rendered well.
The Triangle sounded the best !!!

Quality of performance - no comments.

Looking forward to the 15th. One of the better programmes.
Hope they play well, but I have my doubts.

What a waste of my 'beloved seat'
#11 erstellt: 11. Feb 2008, 04:47
Hi Bhagwan,

Sad, you missed such an opportunity to enjoy great music.

This music is ensemble playing - other than the soloist, it's difficult to isolate the playing of individual players.

You should have left your hi-fi thinking behind. I'm sure the playing didn't sound as detailed and as well imaged as what you get at your home. Instead of concentrating on whether the sound was as good as you get at home, you should have concentrated in trying to understand the music.

It's in the concert hall that music making happens. Which is the more real!

#12 erstellt: 11. Feb 2008, 06:04

viren schrieb:

It's in the concert hall that music making happens. Which is the more real!


Very True; Sir.

Well spoken. Golden words;

#13 erstellt: 11. Feb 2008, 06:07

viren schrieb:
Sad, you missed such an opportunity to enjoy great music.


Respected Sir,

This statement, I did not understand, could you be so kind so as to try and shed some light on 'what opportunity' I missed ?
Maybe on the 15th I shall try and make ammends !!
[That is the day of my next concert]

Appreciate your 'pearls of wisdom'

#14 erstellt: 16. Feb 2008, 04:08
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Ludwig van Beethoven

John Lenehan, piano - Marat Bisengaliev, violin - Raphael Wallfisch, violoncello - Johannes Wildner, conductor - JBT at 7.00 pm

"Linzer" Symphony C major No. 36 KV 425

"Triple" - Concerto for piano, violin and violoncello C major op. 56

* Intermission *

Modest Mussorgsky

Pictures at an exhibition

Attended the concert last evening;

Linzer was average;

Triple Concerto was enjoyable; The Chellist - Raphael Wallfisch - played very well.

However, the highlight of the evening for me was Pictures at an Exhibition.
Very well rendered. I really enjoyed.

Was a pleasure to attend. Looking forward to the performance on the 19th.
Also it will be in my 'preferred venue'
#15 erstellt: 19. Feb 2008, 19:53
Ludwig van Beethoven - Cello Sonata in A major op. 69
Robert Schumann - Five pieces in Folk Style for cello and piano op. 102
Claude Debussy - Cello Sonata
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy - Trio in D minor op. 49

The Symphony Orchestra of India Chamber Group John Lenehan (Piano) Marat Bisengaliev (Violin) Raphael Wallfisch (Cello)

Just returned;

Serious evening. The Chello Sonata was particularly interesting.
The Pianist played well too.

Look forward to the concerts next month - 14 + 15 + 19.
Shall start a new thread for March, 2008.

Forum Members - Mumbai - Do try and attend. Tickets are 'cheap' too. Rs. 100 to Rs. 200 only per performance.
It is a good place to get a 'realistic' perspective of 'live' sound - un amplifier / non p.a. Pure Acoustic. Great for 'tone' parrellell @ home !!! [does not come close @ home - but at least we know how far we are !!!]

#16 erstellt: 20. Feb 2008, 14:43
Madame butterfly on the month end at ncpa.

#17 erstellt: 20. Feb 2008, 18:02
Thanks Manek;

I am aware. However, I am not into classical music [opera]. Hence, will not be attending.
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