Which DVD Writer to go for ?

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#1 erstellt: 04. Sep 2006, 10:08
Hi all

I thought of starting this thread separatley instead of continuing in the thread "recording DVD media on CD-R"

i would to know your views on DVD-writer, like which one is best to buy. I was thinking of going for the Sony, since i already have a CD-RW writer and DVD-ROM/CD-RW combo drive by them which work pretty good.

Well now days DVD-writers are not very expensive and their prices have come down drastically. you an get a decent DVD-writer for about 3k to 3.5k.

What about performance have they also gone down???

any views on other brands like BenQ, Lite-on, Samsung (i hate this one for their tray stucking problem).
#2 erstellt: 04. Sep 2006, 11:04
3 -3.5k........what times are you living in, friend?

Best writers in the market atm are LG H10N or BenQ DW1650. Don't buy the sony, as its just a rebadged BenQ (You can go for it if LG and BenQ are not available).

With a little bargaining, you'll get one under Rs 2K.
#3 erstellt: 04. Sep 2006, 11:44

zhopudey schrieb:
3 -3.5k........what times are you living in, friend?

Best writers in the market atm are LG H10N or BenQ DW1650. Don't buy the sony, as its just a rebadged BenQ (You can go for it if LG and BenQ are not available).

With a little bargaining, you'll get one under Rs 2K.

I wish electronics market prices could also change as computer components

3 - 3.5k that was just an assumption, but i didnt know that i could it for under 2k. man thats cool .

which one do u choose between benq and LG ???
#4 erstellt: 04. Sep 2006, 12:05
Hey guys,

Any idea of external DVD-Writers and their prices ????
#5 erstellt: 04. Sep 2006, 14:06
Avoid them... most of them have pretty bad write quality. In the worst case get a USB casing and put ur internal drive in the casing.
#6 erstellt: 04. Sep 2006, 17:08
LG and BenQ both are good. But the LG is very easily available. You might have trouble locating the BenQ.
Ist häufiger hier
#7 erstellt: 04. Sep 2006, 19:56
Consider the ASUS DVD-writer, guys!
#8 erstellt: 04. Sep 2006, 20:02

audio_engr schrieb:
Consider the ASUS DVD-writer, guys!

The old ones were rebadged pioneers which were excellent... not sure what the new ones are... probably benq.
#9 erstellt: 05. Sep 2006, 18:00
How are Lite-On players/writers ?
#10 erstellt: 05. Sep 2006, 18:27
Fantastic for CD burning, total crap for dvd burning.
#11 erstellt: 05. Sep 2006, 18:31
hmmm...I have a Lite-On CD Burner
#12 erstellt: 27. Sep 2006, 14:22
Do check out the dual-layer writers. Any long movie won't fit into 4.7GB. So a single-layer writer can be a pain. I am unable to back up Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
#13 erstellt: 27. Sep 2006, 18:29
Check out this software called DVDShrink.
#14 erstellt: 28. Sep 2006, 04:43
Dont u think they bring down the quality of the DVD movie.
#15 erstellt: 30. Sep 2006, 03:51
^^ Not noticebly for most setups And you'll also need DVD43 if the dvd is encrypted.
#16 erstellt: 30. Sep 2006, 05:04
u mean that macrovision copy protection or CSS encryption. For that i got a software last week called DVDCloner and it was able to create a copy of the DVD on the harddisk, which was not possible with nero or cloneDVD.

I still have to try this SW to write onto a DVD.

How is DVD43 BTW ?
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