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#1 erstellt: 05. Sep 2005, 11:51
has anyone got the August issue of avmax?
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#2 erstellt: 05. Sep 2005, 12:13
The Projector special issue? I have got.
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#3 erstellt: 05. Sep 2005, 15:39
I would love to tkae a look at the projector special issue..
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#4 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 03:08
I think you can still get it in bookstalls...if you want to take a look at my copy, please PM me. We will see whether we can arrange for it.
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#5 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 18:13
I've got one too. Let me know if you need it. will mail it across to you.
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#6 erstellt: 07. Sep 2005, 10:11
Im in kerala, and the august issue is still not available in stalls.it used to arrive in time bfore.
i thought avmax stopped publishing
#7 erstellt: 07. Sep 2005, 11:35

would any of u have an old issue of av max thats on entry level ht speaker packages- ot just towers?
and wouldnt mind passing it on to me-
#8 erstellt: 08. Sep 2005, 04:11
could any kind soul throw some 'light' on the brand 'Telome'--- planning to pick up telome floor speakers with surrounds/SW.... thanks
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