are mAh for batteries relevant?

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#1 erstellt: 25. Apr 2017, 15:35
Hi guys,

I was wondering if the mAh on an battery pack is important or relevant, so you recognize a difference?
I've read a lot about "Nerf voltage mods" where modder change the standard 3xAA nimh batteries (1,2v each = 3,6V) against 2 Li-ion batteries (3,7v each = 7,2v) and one "dummy" battery for better perfomance and range.

Now I'm also thinking about changing to Li-Ion (with around 1500mAh) or just buying better/stronger nimh batteries with around 2500mAh.

PS: if this topic does not fit, please remove it from this forum
#2 erstellt: 29. Jun 2017, 00:44
I think this will help you


Kind Regards Charley
#3 erstellt: 29. Jun 2017, 14:28
This nerf modding is designed for those blasters to increase the supply voltage for the built in motors, so if your aim is a better performance that's what you need to achieve that.
If you change to batteries with more mAh the blaster won't perform bettter, but for a longer time.

gruß schraddeler
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