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#1 erstellt: 18. Aug 2010, 04:32
Dear All,

Perhaps you would have heard already that I am not representing Cadence in Bangalore anymore. Instead I have now taken up dealership and distributorship for Blumenhofer Acoustics loudspeakers Blumenhofer Acoustics a rather new company in the HiFi market, though the owner, Thomas Blumenhofer, has been in the pro-audio business for over 30 years. Two speakers, Genuin FS4.2 (which is brand new and not yet on their website) and Fun17, have arrived 10 days ago and are now ready for auditioning. Other speakers will follow soon.
Further I will also continue representing EINSTEIN Audio Components Einstein - Audio Components Their integrated amp has arrived some time back and can be auditioned too.
I am offering attractive discounts to the first three buyers for all Blumenhofer and Einstein products. Please feel free to drop in any time for a listening session. It's worth it because you get something to hear what the mainstream does not offer. If you want some more information please ask me.

If someone is interested in other HighEnd Audio equipment from German manufacturers who are not represented in India, just contact me. I'll get it for you. I am already in talks with several companies who produce very interesting and outstanding HighEnd Audio equipment.

Looking forward to meet you soon.

Kind regards,
Jochen Semler
The Listening Room
B-5/6, S.G.P.A. Layout
Huskur Road
Bangalore - 560099
Phone 080-27835721
Cell (0)9845534952
Mail The.German.HiFi.Connection@Gmail.com

[Beitrag von goolimangala am 18. Aug 2010, 05:04 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 18. Aug 2010, 05:15

Congrats Jochen .. really good to hear this.
#3 erstellt: 18. Aug 2010, 06:15
That is goos news;

All the Best !

I have heard http://www.blumenhofer-acoustics.com/Us.html last year in Munich.
They are good products.

I cannot visit for an Audition, since I am in Mumbai.
But, I do hope all forum members of the Bangalore Chapter will visit & take pics & post & also write about their experiences...

I would like to wish 'goolimangala' All the Best !

Einstein too is a great electronics company & does make some of the best OTL Amps in the world...
Hat sich gelöscht
#4 erstellt: 18. Aug 2010, 07:31
Thanks for the good whishes. But I would rather like to stop this thread now because I have just been banned for ever from the neighbouring HiFi Vision forum because I had posted the same thread over there. Since all other Indian dealers and distributors are free to make announcements of their new products like that on this neighbour forum, I consider this act as a blunt case of racism. I don't want it to happen here also. But, if anybody thinks that I have violated forum rules, Manek is of course free to ban me here also. But in that case I would find it only fair when those dealers and distributors who have earlier used this forum (most of them don't do it even in the Buy/Sell section) to announce their new products, would be banned also.


P.S a big thank you to Suhas G for helping that I have been banned over there.

[Beitrag von goolimangala am 18. Aug 2010, 07:34 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 18. Aug 2010, 08:13
Sorry to hear that !
that forum used to have some pretty informative discussions many months ago. but these days the guys who provided the info are banned /or voluntarily left and the guys who got them banned/leave are missing as well !!
#6 erstellt: 18. Aug 2010, 08:16
Hearty Congrats Jochen. I'm sure you can be a window to hi-quality German products for many Audiophiles here in India.

Sorry to hear about what happend on other forum. I'm sure it is just the handiwork of a few jealous few, whom you should ignore.
#7 erstellt: 18. Aug 2010, 09:58
Allow me to clarify.

First of all the "buy and sell" section is meant for buying and selling of pre-owned goods
Or once in a while special discount deals.

For new product news and introductions, we have in the past allowed the "offtopic" section to be posted on.
The post can and shall introduce the products only, no hard selling or bringing other products down.
I don't see jochen doing so at the moment so its ok. But next time "offtopic" is the place for new brand introductions.

Good to know that jochen represents two good brands.


[Beitrag von Manek am 18. Aug 2010, 10:04 bearbeitet]
#8 erstellt: 18. Aug 2010, 10:16
Congratulations Jochen. For folks like us you are a boon.

I really liked both the speakers which you have on demo.

Great going !
#9 erstellt: 18. Aug 2010, 12:50

goolimangala schrieb:

P.S a big thank you to Suhas G for helping that I have been banned over there.

Jochen, sorry to know about all that happened, but wonder why you thanked me for this ? To make it clear and remove any misunderstanding by you and any fellow forum members , allow me to chip in. In no case I am trying to wash any dirty laundry of some other forum over here. I am SuhasG on that forum.

This morning I saw Jochen 's post on hifivision forum saying that he is now representing two German audio products in India and offering auditions pretty soon. Though I have no plans for upgrade , just out of curiosity I requested him (through reply to the said post) to publish prices or at least some ball park figures to give a price range.

Well, to this Jochen answered back via forum post of course, that he can email me the price list.

I then replied (again a forum post) saying that instead of making price list a private affair (PM, email) he should publish the pricing details on the forum itself for anyone to see. Because he is using his forum posts for free advertising of his products / service so expecting prices is fair and reasonable

Well , then I don't know what happened , I came to know about this ban only after reading a PM from Square Wave, I personally didn’t complain to moderators of that forum about Jochen and never asked moderators to take any action what so ever.

I think banning is rather too harsh a punishment, and totally uncalled for as for this situation is concerned

Jochen adding a price list to the posting or deleting the post altogether could have been the fitting solution , followed by a public announcement saying that henceforth such free adverting of products/services t w/o any pricing details will not be allowed.

Who knows Jochen might have refused to do either and that's why the ban. Of course this is my guess work, I have no contacts what so ever with any of the moderators of that forum on this issue.

Having purchased couple of items from Jochen in the past I know Jochen well, he is a nice person to deal with,, I still wonder how this has happened.

And Jochen , I also want to make it clear that I have no hand in any manner in that BAN , it was moderators's decision. You mentioning me and thanking me hints that you believe the other way round hence the clarification. No hard feelings.

Hope this helps



[Beitrag von G_S_Madhav am 18. Aug 2010, 12:57 bearbeitet]
#10 erstellt: 18. Aug 2010, 13:52
Jochen..i'll ping you offline to get a good date where i could listen to it once.
Bhagwan, if jochen is willing will post pics too
#11 erstellt: 18. Aug 2010, 13:57

Arj schrieb:
Jochen..i'll ping you offline to get a good date where i could listen to it once.
Bhagwan, if jochen is willing will post pics too :)

They are nice products;
Will [should] sound good.
I do not know the room, but under 'normal' circumstances, I have been 'satisfied' with BH's speakers.
Some get a bit 'horny' [sorry for the choice of word] at the top line - but the ones that Jochen has got are nice so they should sound pleasant.
Take pics & post. Please..
#12 erstellt: 18. Aug 2010, 19:57
Jochen, your outrage is perfectly valid. I have seen more than one dealer advertising about their new arrivals on hifivision.com. There is no reason to stop this activity for anyone on that forum. It is really too much of a moderating happening there. It is almost like audio is secondary, moderating is primary. I am only feeling sorry for few (very few) of the serious audiophiles out there in that forum who would have missed your information and invitation.

That forum being driven and moderated by dealer community, it is expected that another dealer's promotion will not be tolerated. Whatever it is...it is mediocrity.
#13 erstellt: 19. Aug 2010, 03:31

Manek schrieb:
Allow me to clarify.

First of all the "buy and sell" section is meant for buying and selling of pre-owned goods
Or once in a while special discount deals.

For new product news and introductions, we have in the past allowed the "offtopic" section to be posted on.
The post can and shall introduce the products only, no hard selling or bringing other products down.
I don't see jochen doing so at the moment so its ok. But next time "offtopic" is the place for new brand introductions.

Good to know that jochen represents two good brands.


Mr. Moderator, then why not move this thread to "Offtopic" right away? Might be better to set the precedent & get the folks here used to using the correct sub-forum for appropriate topics. And, it looks like this thread is going to grow once people audition these products.
Just my 2 paisa worth.....
#14 erstellt: 19. Aug 2010, 03:33

goolimangala schrieb:
Dear All,

Perhaps you would have heard already that I am not representing Cadence in Bangalore anymore. Instead I have now taken up dealership and distributorship for Blumenhofer Acoustics loudspeakers Blumenhofer Acoustics a rather new company in the HiFi market, though the owner, Thomas Blumenhofer, has been in the pro-audio business for over 30 years. Two speakers, Genuin FS4.2 (which is brand new and not yet on their website) and Fun17, have arrived 10 days ago and are now ready for auditioning. Other speakers will follow soon.
Further I will also continue representing EINSTEIN Audio Components Einstein - Audio Components Their integrated amp has arrived some time back and can be auditioned too.
I am offering attractive discounts to the first three buyers for all Blumenhofer and Einstein products. Please feel free to drop in any time for a listening session. It's worth it because you get something to hear what the mainstream does not offer. If you want some more information please ask me.

If someone is interested in other HighEnd Audio equipment from German manufacturers who are not represented in India, just contact me. I'll get it for you. I am already in talks with several companies who produce very interesting and outstanding HighEnd Audio equipment.

Looking forward to meet you soon.

Kind regards,
Jochen Semler
The Listening Room
B-5/6, S.G.P.A. Layout
Huskur Road
Bangalore - 560099
Phone 080-27835721
Cell (0)9845534952
Mail The.German.HiFi.Connection@Gmail.com

congrats Jochen. all the best w/ this new endeavour. I suppose Cadence was not at all concerned with furthering their products in India?? Also, looks like Cadence is not keeping up w/ the latest trends & is not upgrading their product line. Looks like they are milking their existing products & are showing signs of dying/withering away....

[Beitrag von bombaywalla am 19. Aug 2010, 03:34 bearbeitet]
#15 erstellt: 19. Aug 2010, 06:39

I suppose Cadence was not at all concerned with furthering their products in India?? Also, looks like Cadence is not keeping up w/ the latest trends & is not upgrading their product line. Looks like they are milking their existing products & are showing signs of dying/withering away....

You are very correct;
The cheif designer is 'indisposed' & Cadence is 'busy' buying out Siltech & Spendour. Hence, the interest in their own products has taken a 'back seat'

However, I have 'heard' that a Canasya mark II has been released [price not known] with all silver [Siltech Cable based] transformers... Not sure how much is correct, maybe some one else knows & could shed some light...
#16 erstellt: 19. Aug 2010, 07:30
Its already been moved to the right location bombaywalla.

#17 erstellt: 19. Aug 2010, 08:05

Please dont let that excessively "Big Brother Moderated" forum bother you.

I suspect that that forum is owned and managed by a HiFi dealer with his own commercial interests, and he wants CentreStage, and Complete control. He presides over the forum, like an Overbearing teacher, and suprisingly, there is a flock that obey his orders..... Maybe they all should listen to (and try to understand the message in ) Pink Floyd's "The Wall".

I remember receiving messages to join that forum ( I presume it was sent to all members on this forum. ... which I feel is not appropriate.

Any ways, I have stopped posting on that Dictator & Sheep forum, a looong time ago ...

Abhi Pani Said:

Jochen, your outrage is perfectly valid. I have seen more than one dealer advertising about their new arrivals on hifivision.com. There is no reason to stop this activity for anyone on that forum. It is really too much of a moderating happening there. It is almost like audio is secondary, moderating is primary. I am only feeling sorry for few (very few) of the serious audiophiles out there in that forum who would have missed your information and invitation.

That forum being driven and moderated by dealer community, it is expected that another dealer's promotion will not be tolerated. Whatever it is...it is mediocrity.

I couldn't agree with you more, on EVERY word you have said..
#18 erstellt: 19. Aug 2010, 09:54

Amp_Nut schrieb:

I suspect that that forum is owned and managed by a HiFi dealer with his own commercial interests, and he wants CentreStage, and Complete control. He presides over the forum, like an Overbearing teacher, and suprisingly, there is a flock that obey his orders..... Maybe they all should listen to (and try to understand the message in ) Pink Floyd's "The Wall".

This is interesting .. and might just make sense ! are you sure of this ?
#19 erstellt: 19. Aug 2010, 10:32

I need to add some more to what has already been discussed and told in this thread.

I think your conclusion on the "reasons" for the problems you faced in the other forum - might be wrong. I basically found - Majority of Indian customers - especially those who are just getting thier feet wet...to have real attitude problem. This often ends up in absuing the product vendor/manufacturer, which never get reported outside. Even i find it very difficult to manage (having born and brought up here).

Managing Indian retail customers is an art...and i do NOT really fancy acquiring some of those skills. This is why I have restricted our customer base, rather to a very small space.

So please do not mistake the overall community of audiophiles ... my humble request

#20 erstellt: 19. Aug 2010, 10:43
To non-commercial members,

Please do not be offended by my earlier post. You should understand that problems are always "two/both" ways.

I find most people on this forum to be rational and I hope all customers would be like members of this forum. But that is far from the reality. So I hope the message will be taken the right way

#21 erstellt: 19. Aug 2010, 12:34

Manek schrieb:
Its already been moved to the right location bombaywalla.


Thank you.
#22 erstellt: 19. Aug 2010, 14:51

No offense taken, and I see your point. We all have customers to deal with and on the whole the indian consumer is getting picky about what he/she buys and has high expectations from the products bought.

A more demanding customer I think is part and parcel of the economic prosperity phase.
Secondly with the influx of foreign goods and extensive travel abroad, expectations rise.

Now the indian customer I think is basically no so different from other customers, probably a bit more "vfm" concious.

Again, I don't mean to offend you or any commercial member nor am I pointing in any particular direction.

Its just the we all have to learn to deal with the new kind of customer.

Just my two bits.


#23 erstellt: 19. Aug 2010, 16:04

It is not what someone "Wants" that's the problem.

About dealing with customers. I'll agree with you...and I think i've told the same thing in my post using different words - "art of handling indian retail customers".

#24 erstellt: 20. Aug 2010, 02:25

basically found - Majority of Indian customers - especially those who are just getting thier feet wet...to have real attitude problem. This often ends up in absuing the product vendor/manufacturer, which never get reported outside. Even i find it very difficult to manage (having born and brought up here). Siva

Asking rather dumb question here.

Siva , is there any Indian Wholesale customers (for AV products costing Rs 50K +) ? Did any one come across such a thing?

Every customer buying here in India is a Retail customer whether s/he is from Mumbai or Bangalore or from a remote town in Northern India.

Just because some of them can't understand your Hi-Fi language doesn't mean that S/he has an attitude problem , Ignorance, Mis-concepts, Biased opinions, Asking for prices, Comparing products, Searching for a VFM product , Having a shoe sting budget, Trying to find out Champagne on a beer budget, Asking for discounts is all observed every where , in every product category car, TV, Dress shirt, A piece of a Furniture etc , not only in India but in every developed country. So where comes the attitude problems Siva?

Or do you think people residing in other parts of the globe are free from this ? What different things those western counterparts do so that they are free from attitude problem and we Indian do have tons of it?

I admit ours is a poor , undeveloped country where 67% population is below poverty line (See recent report published by the authorities), buying 2 sqaure meals a day itself is an achievement for them . For most of them their one full year's earnings can't buy even half of your valve pre-amp. Even those who are rather better off, music system is certainly not a priority thing to dump their entire savings .

And what about the Dealers/Traders/ Manufacturer community then? Are they free from this so called attitude problem?

As a customer every Indian faces tons's problems with virtually every such Dealer/Trader/ Manufacturer , the problems rarely faced by our Western counterparts.

Art of Handling Indian customer? Why this discriminatory word 'Indian' ?

IMHO you are rather harsh in using such words against fellow Indians. Just because some of them are not buying from you doesn't mean they have an attitude problem. Being a trader / Manufacturer , you should' be using such worlds against your pay masters that is the customers.

You want to support or condole Jochen for the incidence happened with him , go ahead by all means but why such gross inappropriate comments against fellow Indians?

Don't get offended, but I didn't like your wording in the post and being a proud Indian , put forward my thoughts.

sivat schrieb:

It is not what someone "Wants" that's the problem.

About dealing with customers. I'll agree with you...and I think i've told the same thing in my post using different words - "art of handling indian retail customers".


[Beitrag von G_S_Madhav am 20. Aug 2010, 02:54 bearbeitet]
#25 erstellt: 20. Aug 2010, 04:19
I'm a proud Indian too.

I refer to Indian customers only because ...that is the only space I have experience with.

As someone who has worked extensively in various contries, I'm willing to agree the limiations of our own coutry and our own attitude (including myself). Being aware of such limiation, I just want Jochen not to make false impressions about our country.

What i was talking about was "good" about India. And not something bad ...like Madhav here seem to imply... (guilt feeling probably ).

Jochen had uses some strong words. I just wanted to highlight, the problems can be different.

[Beitrag von sivat am 20. Aug 2010, 04:25 bearbeitet]
#26 erstellt: 20. Aug 2010, 04:54
Pls let's keep the posts around "einstein and blumenhofer" please.

#27 erstellt: 24. Aug 2010, 03:56
Two speakers, Genuin FS4.2 (which is brand new and not yet on their website) and Fun17, have arrived 10 days ago and are now ready for auditioning. [/quote]

Hello Everyone,
This is my first post on this forum. I had the pleasure of hearing the Blumenhofer's last week and loved their open, uncompressed sound. The were being powered by Einstein components up the chain.

#28 erstellt: 24. Aug 2010, 04:50
Ive been wanting to post as well. heard both the speakers the Fun 17 and the Genuin.

the fun 17 seems to have a Horn (More like a deep waveguide) tweeter and the rear horn (Folded) woofer.

Net result (On Einstein CDP/Int Amp and cables)
-A huge Canvas (there was definitely some magic in that),
-100% Disappearing speakers with Good imaging (we had to play around with Toe in/up and speaker distances). this is not the best in pinpoint imaging..but then even the setup was not yet optimised as the focus was more in breaking them in
- really good tonality/texture. played Clapton and the sound texture was to die for.
-I felt there was some excess bass in the lower end of male vocals as well as the bass guitar..some sort of a resonance. My guess is it is more likely to be the amp/cdp than the speaker. Jochen will be playing around a litle bi more with the placement
-The woofers are really Fast... the timing is impeccable and hence sound was very coherent..very unlike expectations from a Hybrid horn speaker
pardon the pic quality...but am really bad with a phone camera

to me the highlight was the large canvas , the really big sound and the emotion the music conveyed

the Genuin is a smaller speaker with a similiar tweeter but its rear ported. since I heard it after the Fun series i initially felt it was missing out the magic. But the sense of scale/imaging etc were all still there although to a lesser extent. was surprised with the amount of bass it was able to control in Jochens HUGE room. this might be a very good choice for smaller rooms

[Beitrag von Arj am 24. Aug 2010, 04:54 bearbeitet]
#29 erstellt: 24. Aug 2010, 05:26
I too auditioned the Fun 17 and the Genuin 4.2.

The fun17 is a two way floor-stander with a wave-guided mylar membrane tweeter and a folded horn enclosure.

The Genuin 4.2 is a two way floor-stander with a wave-guided mylar membrane tweeter and a ported enclosure.

The first thing you notice is the dispersion characteristics of the loudspeakers. It is very different from a traditional loudspeaker. Very uniform and uncompressed sound across the spectrum. The loudspeakers are very involving.

The tweeters are crossed over much below 2000 hz and a wave guide helps the dispersion of the sound. Here’s an excerpt from the aether audio website who use similar wave guides in their speakers.

“The dispersion characteristics exhibited by our waveguide geometry causes the emanating sound wave to be radiated into the environment with a 120° horizontal angle, from approximately 1,000 to 10,000Hz. This means that as the frequency varies, the area that is "illuminated" by the driver remains fairly much the same over a 120° arc, symmetrically and directly in front of the waveguide. Without some form of wave "directing" device this simply is not possible “

Apart from the mids and highs, the Fun 17 does wonders with the bass. As you go down the octaves, there is no distortion is the bass frequencies unlike most ported enclosures. The body of the instrument remains the same while the bass frequencies extend deep down. Very impressive.

I am kind of getting attracted to non-conventional methods in loudspeaker design. If done right some of these techniques can do wonders to the sound.

Over all very musical, addictive and “big sounding” pair of speakers. The textures in the musical canvas is amazing.The connection with the performer is completely intact.

[Beitrag von square_wave am 24. Aug 2010, 06:08 bearbeitet]
#30 erstellt: 24. Aug 2010, 08:02

Apologies Manek for the off topic post..but i just skimmed through this thread and noticed that Jochen has resigned from this forum as well..

I whole heartedly agree with Siva on his views as to dealing with the Indian retail customer. Its not the first time I have heard such comments from reputed manufacturers/audiophiles i admire and respect.
Hifi vision is great in a sense it is getting more Indians involved, but its intentions are not entirely honorable. Jochen, congrats on the new dealerships..you are way to nice a person to have to deal with such crap.
But dear friend, don't take leave from us folks here.
Suhas, please don't play the patriotic card here. Its not a slight against Indians, just reality of the customer base back home. It is not yet mature and is still in a state of infancy. Enough of this non-sense..
I come to this forum to get away from all the rest of the politics and bruised egos that go rampaging on other audio forums, to talk to friends I have known and grown with in my audio journey. Lets not muddy the waters with ass hattery.

I've said my piece, will say no more on the issue. Please refrain from instigating a debate on an issue that probably none of us here care for.
Jochen, please come back on this forum dude

[Beitrag von Savyasaachi am 24. Aug 2010, 08:05 bearbeitet]
#31 erstellt: 24. Aug 2010, 08:21

I just noticed after you mentioned it

Wow ! Wonder what happened ?

#32 erstellt: 24. Aug 2010, 09:30

G_S_Madhav schrieb:
have an attitude problem. Being a trader / Manufacturer , you should' be using such worlds against your pay masters that is the customers.

This is the sad reality and the reason for all problem !! The attitude problem that i mentioned is cleary demonstrated in the statement above.

Respect cannot be one-way.

The problem gets compounded because many lack the "sense" to distinguish between a "conman" salesman and a genuine vendor who can provide valuable advice. Many customers - end up treating both the same (cheap/bad) way.

Manek, pardon me. Could not resist it...been trying to hold back. But you really have to blame Saachi for encouraging me
#33 erstellt: 24. Aug 2010, 09:32
Jochen, Apologies for hijacking your thread.

Vinny could not stop praising your speakers and your invitation is too tempting. I will plan to picnic in your farm shortly.
#34 erstellt: 24. Aug 2010, 11:53

As I mentioned before I see your point but it makes no sense
to write something that could fan the flames. There are far too many forums
where there are two separate groups, consuners and dealers/manufacturers.
Its really not healthy to have factions like this.

I also see where you are coming from but I want this forum to be friendly, co-operative, informative and above all fun to come back to on a regular basis.

My appeal to all of you here is to keep this a friendly andy warm place.



[Beitrag von Manek am 24. Aug 2010, 11:57 bearbeitet]
#35 erstellt: 24. Aug 2010, 14:09
Agreed Manek. Will keep my mouth shut..
#36 erstellt: 24. Aug 2010, 17:45

Hey, let know your views on the speakers and the electronics....errr the picnic !

#37 erstellt: 24. Aug 2010, 18:30
I too have heard the Blumenhofer + Einstein combo. Will write about it in detail after a second listen (already planning).
#38 erstellt: 25. Aug 2010, 02:56

And all you bangalore guys.......pls speak to jochen


#39 erstellt: 26. Aug 2010, 04:48
Hey Jochen,
Come back

#40 erstellt: 26. Aug 2010, 05:36
I had a chat with Jochen. He prefers to be a silent spectator for a while on the forum. He cited a lot of reasons for doing so. He may join in as a registered member at a later point in time.
#41 erstellt: 30. Aug 2010, 00:34
good to read all the positive feedback re. Blumenhofer speakers. Looks like Goolimangala did the right thing by selecting to represent Blumenhofer instead of Cadence. Let's hope that Blumenhofer sales pick so that this biz is more viable than his previous attempts.
#42 erstellt: 30. Aug 2010, 10:28
Just out of curiosity, I would love to learn;
How many Cadence Canasya's have sold in the 'south' [Bangalore in particular] ?
Can 'goolimangala' or any one else shed some light on this ?
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