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#1 erstellt: 22. Nov 2006, 13:23
Hi All,

I think this is where I should post my intro. I don't see any other intros to know what to write, so questions are welcome.

I am having normal teething problems getting used to the forum, including finding time, so please bear with me!

What is the difference between the English forum and the German forum?

Thanks for having me,


Here I am in my room, vintage Sansui gear, Sony ES CDP & Receiver, JBL speakers... and power wheelchair -- I broke my neck in 1990, am quadriplegic, paralyzed from armpits down.


Edit: imageshack doesn't seem to be working so I used my photobucket account for the pic.

[Beitrag von OregonDual am 22. Nov 2006, 14:01 bearbeitet]
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#2 erstellt: 22. Nov 2006, 14:12
I forgot to point out my Teac X-700R, a very nice machine.

Also forgot to mention what brought me to this forum; my Dual CS 731 Q Turntable, also very nice.

Yes, I have 4 Sansui BA-2000 power amplifiers, a couple CA-2000 preamps and AU-11000 integrated amps, a AU-9900, and the King AU-20000 integrated amp; and a couple TU-9900 tuners to round it off!


[Beitrag von OregonDual am 22. Nov 2006, 14:18 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 22. Nov 2006, 16:04
Hi !

Welcome aboard ! Great to know that you don't know German - neither do I

You have an impressive audio gear... but what's most impressive about you is your attitude to life !!!
#4 erstellt: 22. Nov 2006, 16:23
hi there Matt.

You sure have a lot of vintage Welcome

#5 erstellt: 22. Nov 2006, 16:28
Hi Matt,
you are most welcome to the english ver of the forum.
Impressive gear!
Whats your taste in music?
#6 erstellt: 23. Nov 2006, 11:03
I had an old Sansui amp once similar to yours. Forget the model though... Late 70s, early 80s I'd say! That's a lot of JBL speakers you have there, Matt! You could start your own indoor stadium!
#7 erstellt: 23. Nov 2006, 12:32

OregonDual schrieb:
Hi All,

What is the difference between the English forum and the German forum?


Hello Matt !


Cannot comment on the German part of the forum, do not speak or understand the language, hence do not know what goes on there.

The Indian part of the forum [actually Elglish] is chugging along - more like a BEE forum [sorry guys - just kidding] - NAD - i.e.

We have a few Indian members on board on this part of the forum.

Hope to see you contribute to it too......
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#8 erstellt: 23. Nov 2006, 12:43
Thanks guys!

my speech prog. pikd a bad time to fail me! Please excuse poor RE, usng onsrn kybrd...

speakers? vintage? 1950s KLH Mod Ones + Fives, JansZen 1-30 tweeter arrays +++...awsome!

Please excuse that I don't have better pics...

NE thing...well, mostly.

Back ASAP.

Ist häufiger hier
#9 erstellt: 23. Nov 2006, 12:52
Hello Matt !


Cannot comment on the German part of the forum, do not speak or understand the language, hence do not know what goes on there.

The Indian part of the forum [actually Elglish] is chugging along - more like a BEE forum [sorry guys - just kidding] - NAD - i.e.

We have a few Indian members on board on this part of the forum.

Hope to see you contribute to it too......[/quote]

BHAGWAN??? We gotta talk...when I get back...

i do Hope to contribute, too......

[Beitrag von OregonDual am 23. Nov 2006, 13:14 bearbeitet]
#10 erstellt: 23. Nov 2006, 14:24

bhagwan69 schrieb:

The Indian part of the forum [actually Elglish] is chugging along - more like a BEE forum [sorry guys - just kidding] - NAD - i.e.

Buddy, this time the "kidding" looks like going a bit overboard.
#11 erstellt: 23. Nov 2006, 15:02
Remember the Beatles song:

Let it BEE !

[Beitrag von SDhawan am 23. Nov 2006, 18:32 bearbeitet]
#12 erstellt: 23. Nov 2006, 16:24
the BEEgees have performed many songs themselves
#13 erstellt: 23. Nov 2006, 18:33
There is another one:

"Que Sera Sera; whatever will BEE will BEE"
#14 erstellt: 23. Nov 2006, 19:20
BEEthoven has not done too badly either. apparently his piano work has a bit of jazz (grandfather) in it as well.

in fact many of his works have lot of representation in hindi music .

coming to hindi music, there is a Bee in its Sonnet as well
eg the haunting melodies in Sahib , BEEbi aur Ghulam especially the immortal "Bhanwara (aka BEE) Bada Naadaan"

finally the double BEE song from rudali called "BEEte Na BEEte Raina"
#15 erstellt: 24. Nov 2006, 05:38
Classical music has its share of BEE's...
"flight of the bumble BEE" - Rimsky Korsakov. Harry James the famous jazz trumpeter plays it phenominally well as well.

#16 erstellt: 24. Nov 2006, 06:15

abhi.pani schrieb:

bhagwan69 schrieb:

Buddy, this time the "kidding" looks like going a bit overboard.

Sorry Sir !

I shall keep it under the lid. No more BEE's from my end.

On a serious note, try to listen to other gear & move on up. There is so much out there & sounds much better, maybe for a little bit more; be a little adventerous, put in a cd player that can bring out the qualities of your Peter Thomson design. That is all I am suggesting & hinting at.
I did not intend to offend anyone. If I did, I am sorry.
#17 erstellt: 24. Nov 2006, 08:44
Q: what did abhi say when bhagwan brought up the topic?

ans: BEE quiet!
#18 erstellt: 24. Nov 2006, 09:02
Q: What will Bjorn Erik Edwardson say if he reads this thread??

Ans: Hey bhagwan...!!

#19 erstellt: 24. Nov 2006, 09:32

Shahrukh schrieb:
Q: What will Bjorn Erik Edwardson say if he reads this thread??

Ans: Hey bhagwan...!!


Nice one Shahrukh !!!

But let us chill this - abhi may not take it in the right spirit & I do not want to make any enimies.....please.

Stevieboy, I request you too. Please... Thanks.

p.s. I liked the jokes though !!!
#20 erstellt: 24. Nov 2006, 09:48

bhagwan69 schrieb:

Shahrukh schrieb:
Q: What will Bjorn Erik Edwardson say if he reads this thread??

Ans: Hey bhagwan...!!


Nice one Shahrukh !!!

But let us chill this - abhi may not take it in the right spirit & I do not want to make any enimies.....please.

Stevieboy, I request you too. Please... Thanks.

p.s. I liked the jokes though !!!

Sorry... couldn't resist it after reading Stevie's!
No more, I promise!
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#21 erstellt: 24. Nov 2006, 14:04
WoW, sorry to open a BEE's nest! I need to BEE informed, somebody PM me.

Sir BAHGWAN, now I remember why the name sticks out in my mind. Is it true that it means: "Master of the Vagina"
(I hope it's okay to say that word!)
I live in Oregon; have you heard of the now defunct town of Rajneesh? That's how I know of the name.

Is this a common name in India?

SDhawan schrieb:

... but what's most impressive about you is your attitude to life !!! :hail
Thank You, SDhawan, I have no doubt it is the human spirit and that most (stable) people would go about in the same manner. It is quite an enlightening situation, difficult as it may be.

Thank you all, again.

#22 erstellt: 24. Nov 2006, 14:26

Sir BAHGWAN, now I remember why the name sticks out in my mind. Is it true that it means: "Master of the Vagina"

Ha,Ha,Ha !
Actually,BHAGWAN means God in hindi(our native language, in case you dont know),
but I'm sure the Bhagwan of the forum will be more than happy at the honorific that you have unwittingly bestowed on him!
So, Bhagwan, MOTV, here's to you...

[Beitrag von Kamal am 24. Nov 2006, 14:27 bearbeitet]
#23 erstellt: 24. Nov 2006, 14:44
Bhagwan Now thats a compliment !

#24 erstellt: 24. Nov 2006, 15:48
Master of BEE's hive

... so BEE it.
#25 erstellt: 27. Nov 2006, 08:36
Gentlemen, I have promissed to stay away from the BEE jokes.
Hence I will not comment. Please do excuse, some / many members get offended.

P.S. Would love to go on, but it is not right.
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#26 erstellt: 27. Nov 2006, 14:15

bhagwan69 schrieb:
Gentlemen, I have promissed to stay away from the BEE jokes.
Hence I will not comment. Please do excuse, some / many members get offended.

P.S. Would love to go on, but it is not right.

Please excuse, I do not mean to offend or make bad joke. Maybe I cannot understand, no more questions.

Let us keep the topic friendly...and about audio gear.

#27 erstellt: 27. Nov 2006, 19:16
What? Back to boring old HiFi?
Pity,this thread was taking such a rollickingly funny direction!
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#28 erstellt: 28. Nov 2006, 13:47
#29 erstellt: 29. Nov 2006, 13:41
Hi Matt,

welcome at this part of the forum.

I really don't know exactly the differences BEE tween the German part and this English section. I guess that it kinda matured out of a lot of inquieries that were made from people all over the world maybe owning some gear that was made in Germany in order to find some assistance. And it is maybe more convenient for a new member to start in a "less" important corner of the forum instead participating in the native german section.

The disadvantage is the fact that the normal german Users probably doesn't check this english Section. So , i would say that the english part is great for personal communication topics ( which are imho as important as the facts of Hi-Fi, whatever that is supposed to be) but if you have a precise question the "normal" german Threads are the better ones. Don't hesitate to write in English though, most people are capable of that and usually the atmosphere is a friendly and helpful here.

BTW, your gear is excellent, i love these old speakers, i own a pair of JBL Lancer 99 ' s (late 60's i guess)myself and they fit my needs (mostly Vinyl, Vintage Receivers like Marantz/NAD etc) quite well.

Any news on the 731 ?
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#30 erstellt: 29. Nov 2006, 15:21
Hi again, 73newport,

Thanks for visiting me here. I understand what you are saying, I should ask specific technical questions over in the German forum. For the moment, I am enjoying sharing with English-speaking people from the international community. Maybe we will learn something from each other. Maybe not. It is worth the effort.

I am glad you looked at my systems. Yes, I like my KLH speakers and especially the JanZsen 1-30 electrostatic tweeter arrays. It is an awesome sound, from the 50s. The JanZsen's were the first successful electrostatic speaker marketed. The company later combined with KLH to make the Famous KLH Nine full range electrostatic speakers. No tweeter can reproduce sounds as well as the 1-30 -- such as a bird chirping, through the highest of frequencies -- with such perfection, presence and little distortion.

But when I want a rock concert, I use the big pile of JBL speakers. All four of my BA-2000 power amplifiers get exercise daily.

The 731? I am having troubles finding a helper. For now, I am enjoying translating the tutorial about the turntable. I will return to the forum, soon. Thank you for asking. Sometimes it is hard times being paralyzed.


JanZsen 1-30 electrostatic tweeter arrays:

[Beitrag von OregonDual am 29. Nov 2006, 15:30 bearbeitet]
#31 erstellt: 29. Nov 2006, 16:23
Hi Matt,

the JanZsen are wonderful, i can imagine that they sound as good as they look. Rare piece on our side of the ocean i guess.

Sometimes it is hard times being paralyzed.

I am fortunately not in the situation that i have to comment that and this probably leads to a different topic but hey, you're still around and the only difference is that there are certain things you can't do. With your body, not with your soul.

I.e. repairing your Dual obviously but i am sure that the Dual is worth waiting. I am not sure if you know it but the major problem with this model (and some other Duals of it's age) is the uncommon Tonearm/Pickup. Dual introduced the so called ULM-Arm which had a very low weight at great performance. The bad thing is that standard 1/2''-Systems can only be used with a rare and therefore expensive adapter. Original Stylus are hard to find. But due to its low mass it is great for bumpy records. If you have some from Flea Markets or Thrift Stores you'll appreciate the Dual even more.

Do you have a dust cover or is it really missing ?


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#32 erstellt: 30. Nov 2006, 12:16
Hi Tom,

Thank you.

Yes, my Dual is worth taking the time to fix properly. I have found new Original stylus for it. The 1/2" head shell is possible to find, but i am not sure the conversion will make possible a much better sound than the Ortofon DN 160E or 165E.

Yes, I do have the original dust cover. There are no scratches on it, but it is foggy to see through. I don't think this can be fixed, but it is okay that way. It would be difficult to find a replacement, if not impossible.

Thanks again,

#33 erstellt: 30. Nov 2006, 12:42
Hello Matt,

Yes, my Dual is worth taking the time to fix properly. I have found new Original stylus for it. The 1/2" head shell is possible to find, but i am not sure the conversion will make possible a much better sound than the Ortofon DN 160E or 165E.

I don't think so as well. And it looks IMHO a bit weird . But maybe some folks have a nice new System waiting to be installed, in this case: why not.

Yes, I do have the original dust cover. There are no scratches on it, but it is foggy to see through. I don't think this can be fixed, but it is okay that way. It would be difficult to find a replacement, if not impossible.

As Dual-Covers are often interchangeable i would say that it should not be as hard as you predict it. I am not too familiar with the covers as fortunately my Duals all came with Covers but a spare one is not a big deal. At least here in Germany

Concerning your Cover: i made great experiences with polishing the Covers. I understand that this is impossible for you but if you ever know somebody who can help you try it with standard car polish and a lot of time. Even the correct sand paper (wet) can be used and - depending on the effort - the cover can be as new. And don't worry about the way it looks while polishing, in the end it gets shiny.

Just my 2 Cents



Edit: Typo-Festival

[Beitrag von 73newport am 30. Nov 2006, 12:44 bearbeitet]
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#34 erstellt: 30. Nov 2006, 13:21
Hi Tom,

I don't understand. Do you say that Ortofon stylus is good, IF i can find one?
Here is a DN165E for only $39.20 and free shipping:

What do you think, is this a good example?

Yes, for the dust cover, I have used a type of rubbing compound meant for clear plastic, much like car polish. The surface of the plastic is mirror smooth, yet still there is fog. I have not seen this phenomena before. I guess it is old... like me. I will try more polishing, but should look for a replacement. Dual is rare on this side of the ocean, maybe you can find a replacement for me in Germany?

Maybe we should be talking about this in the turntable thread.

Thanks for your 2¢

I need to get busy with my e-mail!

Talk later,

#35 erstellt: 30. Nov 2006, 13:46
Concerning the stylus: i wanted to tell you that the Standard DN 165 Stylus is quite good. Even compared to good 1/2"-systems and that a switch to 1/2" (with the adapter) is not necessarily an improvement. The DN 165 was desinged for the 731 and still is the first choice in my opinion.

Concerning your Link for the Stylus: it does fit, no doubt. I just believe that it is not an orginal needle but a clone. Those are more often and not necessarily crap. The price is absolutely ok, even for a clone. But like i wrote, im am not sure if it is a clone or not.

maybe you can find a replacement for me in Germany?

Sure, can keep my Eyes open. It might take some time as the Cover needs to be good, otherwise it is no improvement.


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#36 erstellt: 02. Dez 2006, 14:34
Hi Tom,

Thanks, I am happy to know your opinion of the Ortofon stylus. I just now wrote the seller of mentioned stylus and asked if it is an original Made in Germany item.
There are other sites selling this also, for more money. Maybe I will investigate.

That would be Great if you could find a dust cover for me. Thanks for that. There is no hurry for me.


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