I never a favor!

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 19. Jul 2011, 14:12
Hey guys. I live in Sweden and Im looking to buy some great German hifi (;)) from Redcoon. They don´t ship to Sweden but they agreed to send it to a DHL packing station as close to Puttgarden as possible, so I can drive there and pick it up (saves me tons of money)

I tried calling DHL pack station service 3 times but they don´t speak english at all.

I was wondering if someone could call them, ask if this is possible, and if so what adress the stuff should be sent to.

If they say yes, I´d also like to know how many days the packages could stay there before they send it back to Redcoon

Thanks a lot if someone would call them for me

#2 erstellt: 19. Jul 2011, 15:23
Ah I found DHLs homepage in English so problem SOLVED!
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