Stuffing the box

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#1 erstellt: 20. Mai 2004, 20:38
I am very close to finish my latest speaker project. It is a system of two separate woofers, each 97 lit, and two small boxes for mid/high. For the first time i want to use the "piramidal shape spoundge" (i hope that i wrote it correctly, sorry for the mistakes. I heard that it is using for high-end speakers, and saw it in some projects. What is it good about? Can i use it in woofer box and in small box-midd?
#2 erstellt: 07. Jan 2005, 12:05
to fill up your 90 plus litres of box with that stuff will cost you as lot
#3 erstellt: 19. Jan 2005, 14:15
have you completed ?? if so send us how does it sound??
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