power! outtake from hifi-forum.de

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#1 erstellt: 06. Jul 2003, 17:55
Hi freaks, after reading many amusing stories at hifi-forum.de-voodoo (thanks to automatic translators), I just want you to participate in one of the best stories:

Power plugs!!
There is a guy who says, that you must have mud in your ears if you don't hear different power plugs!

It noticed to me that there is here a whole set of nothing-knowing Banausen, which everything that they do not dismiss, into the realm of the Voodoo and often still in a rarely prepubertaere kind with stupid sayings peppers their naive opinions. Only facts cannot supply these know-it-alls unfortunately. Who invested not at least 40,000 EUR into its plant, (and I mean this not practice-substantially) probably rather never will be able to experience these fine sound differences, which makes a HMS plug socket among other things.
End quote.

Boys and girls! That's it! If you don't hear a difference between your $1 power plug and your $600 high end device you are looser! If you haven't spend $400000 for your equiptment, you are not worth to talk about it!

Quote (Huxley):
Oh brave new world!
End quote.

#2 erstellt: 07. Jul 2003, 19:01
Those guys are mad! Really mad!
#3 erstellt: 09. Jul 2003, 17:53
Hey guys!!

Any further comments?

#4 erstellt: 01. Okt 2003, 14:59
this german was right!
one havent at least spend $ 40000 ain't got a system to hear any differences in power cords and plugs!
thats it!

one telling thats not true is mad!
#5 erstellt: 01. Okt 2003, 18:32
Have you ever heard a good system worth less than $ 40000?
If not you should get to the next dealer and audition all he has. Maybe you will then get it that a good system must not cost more than $ 40000.
#6 erstellt: 01. Okt 2003, 18:54
there are some good ones but for high end equipment like good power cables you need something really good.
#7 erstellt: 01. Okt 2003, 18:57
So I don't need to buy any expensive power cables because they won't have any effect. Thanks!
#8 erstellt: 04. Okt 2003, 17:47
#9 erstellt: 09. Okt 2003, 09:14
Trust me, reading the german-speaking Voodoo Section is quite a lot of fun. There are people jumping at each other's faces each day!

However I believe if we had like 200 native english speaker members in this voodoo section, it would be just as funny.

There are not only wierdos in germany I bet...

The most funny things are the 100% useless devices that you can find in the internet and often on ebay.

A good example is the 'Audio-Animator' a mysteriously looking metal tube, that is supposed to 'de-stress' the metallic components of your hifi system, because all those bad electrons and sounds completely 'stress' the system.

See here: http://www.hifi-forum.de/index.php?action=browseT&back=1&sort=lpost&forum_id=18&thread=39

Maybe 'stress' isn't the right word, the german word Stress would rather mean 'nervous tension' or describe a state of a permanently overworked employee.

Dont punish me, I am just german as well.



[Beitrag von 2_of_7 am 09. Okt 2003, 09:25 bearbeitet]
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#10 erstellt: 09. Okt 2003, 15:38
Hi there, here in Tokio I've seen one of these animators, it's a really nice device. It doesn't improve the sound but it looks good.

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