can composite cables be used for component connection?

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#1 erstellt: 06. Sep 2007, 12:32
Hi all,

recently I have bought one Samsung LCD TV (26"). I have one old Onida DVD player which I'd like to connect with this.

1. Can I use composite cables ( yellow/white/red ) for the connection of component input output ( Y/Pb/Pr)
as the cost of component cables is too high nearly Rs. 2000 I'd like to avoid that expense.

I'll upgrade my DVD to Pioneer entry level DV 400 (HDMI Rs. 5000) after few months, so for the time being can I enjoy the above connection.

Please suggest.


#2 erstellt: 06. Sep 2007, 16:04
Since its going to be a temporary arrangement till you upgrade to HDMI, it makes sense not to layout that much buckos on proper component cables-
so go ahead, use those composite cables FTTB-as far as I know, and my knowledge of these things is not perfect,theres no law against it.
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#3 erstellt: 07. Sep 2007, 04:35
Thanx a ton Kamal for your quick reply. W'd do that for temporary connection.


#4 erstellt: 07. Sep 2007, 05:19
They should work ok. I'd read somewhere that while audio and video cables should be different, the cheap red-white-yellow cables are all video cables to save costs.

You could also try out 3 separate composite cables.
#5 erstellt: 07. Sep 2007, 08:39
Hi Souravin,

The Composite Video signal will pass through even cheap audio cable, if the cable is short.

The signal may suffer / deteriorate, though, to a slight extent.

Incidentally, MX sells a set of Component Video cables for about Rs. 300 to Rs 600.

Better cable, will give a visible improvement, but the extent of improvement will depend on the screen size and various other factors such as the performance of each product in the chain.

Regarding your plans to upgrade to HDMI ... It may NOT be the "Silver Bullet" that you are hoping for.

Some Pundits prefer Composite to HDMI.

The reason is that HDMI's digital signal will - more often than not, NOT be in the resolution that your display requires. Hence the display will have to reprocess the digital signal. Hence the signal wioll go through 2 digital reprocessings - one before the HDMI output from the DVD player, and yet again at the display.

When fed a Composite (analog) signal, the display resamples only once before displaying it.

Cables ( Video & Audio ) provide large margins to the reseller. IMHO the seller should provide you a demo, before its sale.

In the past 10 tyears, I have NEVER bought a cable without a Home trial. Insist & you will get it. If you dont, IMHO, its NOT worth the gamble.....

[Beitrag von Amp_Nut am 07. Sep 2007, 11:44 bearbeitet]
#6 erstellt: 07. Sep 2007, 09:18
AmpNut wrote

The reason is that HDMI's digital signal will - more often than not, NOT be in the resolution that your display requires. Hence the display will have to reprocess the digital signal. Hence the signal wioll go through 2 digital reprocessings - one before the HDMI output from the DVD player, and yet again at the display.

Methinks the DVD Player would have a setting to match its output with the native resolution of the Display Panel-
this has worked very well with my bro's Samsung LCD Bordeaux(1080i) & the Oppo 981 HD, using the HDMI connection.

[Beitrag von Kamal am 07. Sep 2007, 09:20 bearbeitet]
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#7 erstellt: 07. Sep 2007, 10:16
Thanx all for your suggestions. As I have Bordeaux(1080i), can think of better quality display with Pioneer Entry level DV400 HDMI.

#8 erstellt: 07. Sep 2007, 11:00
Amp_nut, you mean component, right? Not Composite?

With component cable, the signal goes thru D-to-A and then A-to-D. Wouldn't that affect the quality more than some resizing?
#9 erstellt: 07. Sep 2007, 11:22

souravin schrieb:
Thanx all for your suggestions. As I have Bordeaux(1080i), can think of better quality display with Pioneer Entry level DV400 HDMI.


If the Pioneer DVD allows you to set its output to 1080i, it should work well for you too.
Can you get someone abroad to bring in an Oppo for you?
Their range starts from US $149 & its really an outstanding DVD player-v. highly recommended.Google for reviews.
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#10 erstellt: 10. Sep 2007, 06:26
If the Pioneer DVD allows you to set its output to 1080i, it should work well for you too.
Can you get someone abroad to bring in an Oppo for you?
Their range starts from US $149 & its really an outstanding DVD player-v. highly recommended.Google for reviews.[/quote]

Hi Kamal,

I'll be at California from this week on a official visit. I'll be coming back via Singapore. So I have an option to buy that stuff from either of the places. Please suggest which one is a better option.


#11 erstellt: 10. Sep 2007, 07:34
Hi Sourav,
I can do no better than point you towards the site,
There, you'll find details of all the three models currently mfd by oppo, with a product comparison chart link to help you decide which model suits you best.
I got the 981 HD but subsequently they launched the 980HD-do take a look & decide.
The site carries a review which while raving abt this player, wonders whether it might not be better to go in for a Blu Ray player, e.g. the Toshiba HD-A2 HD DVD player, which now retails for abt US $240 & wld be far superior to conventional DVD players cosidering the dazzling picture & sound quality put out by HD/Blu Ray players.
Thats an individual call-I think theres quite a way to go before the HD format wars settle down & titles become available in the new format.
Till such time ,a good DVD player can help you to enjoy movies better-the existing ones & the newer releases.
Oppo does not follow the convetional store retailing method-mostly they ship direct( my brother got it shipped from Amazon),and only a few selected stores carry the players for across the counter sales.
It may be therefore prudent to check up in advance by Email/phone call(Their customer care is very responsive) as to the best way & from where to pick a piece up, given the time constraints of your visit.

[Beitrag von Kamal am 10. Sep 2007, 07:36 bearbeitet]
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#12 erstellt: 11. Sep 2007, 05:54
Thanx a ton Kamal for your detail reply. Now I can choose my suitable DVD player. I'll visit the website of Oppo as mentioned by you when I'm little free.


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