onkyo tx-sr602

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#1 erstellt: 06. Dez 2004, 03:04
evertime I turn on my onkyo tx-sr602, the volume default to 75 even after I turn it off at 35. should it defaut to 35? is their some setting that I don't know. Please help
#2 erstellt: 10. Dez 2004, 01:40
Since I went searching Google for setup problems using the Onkyo TX-SR602 and found nothing, I thought I would post some information here that may prove helpful to others.

Setting up the Onkyo TX-SR602 involves placing their acoustic microphone in the listening area and starting a test procedure on the receiver. My initial results were horrible. Most speakers were not working at all, and the ones that *did* have audio sounded blown. My powered sub was not “discovered” at all. My advice: try the mic setup a few more times, and in different ways. This is what I did to get everything working:

I noticed the mic had a tripod screw on the underside. I put the mic a tripod at ear-level by the sofa. Make sure there are no obstructions between *any* speakers and the mic. I believe the mic picks up direct acoustical waves, and barriers such as chairs, sofa backs, and furniture can affect the setup. I also moved my powered sub from behind the sofa to the front of the room, again leaving no obstructions. Setup ran perfect! I moved the sub back behind the sofa. You can then fine-tune db gain using the on-screen menus. Now my system is working awesome.
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