plz suggest 5.1 speakers for TX-SR503

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#1 erstellt: 26. Jan 2006, 09:54

I am planning on a HT setup (5.1).

Receiver: Onkyo TX-SR503 - 130W/ch, continuous 6 ohms

I had decided on Sonodyne Genie-2 speakers - 80W, 8 ohms

The Onkyo guyz as well as the Sonodyne guyz said that the speakers wont be a good match, and suggested to go for a lil more powerful match the receiver. (they say the 130W-80W difference is a lil too much)

The hall in my house is small, so I cannot go for floorstanders as it will take up a lot of space.
Sats wud be the best.

Plz suggest good speakers (preferably sats). Does Onkyo have good sats speakers to match the TX-SR503?

I am based in Bangalore. I prefer Onkyo or Sonodyne coz they have dealers and service centers in Bangalore.

what are the other brands of speakers I cud go for? (good service backup in Bangalore is essential)
#2 erstellt: 26. Jan 2006, 16:02
Dear Juggy,

Arasu would be able to set you up with excellent bookshelves speakers that are pretty small and powerful.
Suggest you check with him for a complete setup.
All his products(inculing the speaker drivers) are manufactured inhouse) and service backup is gauranteed.

here is a picture of his speakers.
Only the one in 'beach' is my speakers.
The rest are all his.

If sats are what ur looking for then check out the bookshelves on the top two corners of the picture.

#3 erstellt: 26. Jan 2006, 18:07
Try KEF HT Sat/Sub speakers at ProFx Banglore. You may also look at their Polk Audio and the Denon AVR.


Dr. Sanjay Dhawan
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#4 erstellt: 27. Jan 2006, 13:55
even you can try Wharfedale Sub/Sat combo. There should be a dealer in B'lore somewhere in infantry rd.
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#5 erstellt: 29. Jan 2006, 20:28
How is the Tannoy EFX 5.1? Howz their sub?

how is it compared to the Sonodyne Genie-2s?

is it a good match for the Onkyo TX-SR503?

(it sure is smaller, sleeker and less pricier than the sonodyne genie-2s. But i dont know about the performance)
#6 erstellt: 31. Jan 2006, 13:55
First of all you have got a very wrong impression that 135 watts of Onkyo reciever wont match the 80 watts of genie2....its altogether WRONG. These recivers hardly shell out true 75 watts at 8 ohms. All these figures are just to capture market attention and to fool the casual audio enthusiast. Even the Sonodyne guys at the showroom are quite dumb. They hardly know a shit about these things. The Genie2 are very good Sattelite speakers and can easily handle the Onkyo reciever. Moreover you have said that you room is not so big so its just too difficult to trouble the genies, they are quite powerful.

But the only thing is, at that price point you can as well get 5 decent bookshelves instead of 5 sattelites. If space is not a constraint then do look for the Wharfdale Diamond 9 (8500 per pair) or the Diamond 9.1 (12000 per pair) bookshelves along with Wharfdale SW-150 sub. If you think you cant accomodate these bookshelves then you can easily stick by the genie-2, very good satts.
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#7 erstellt: 31. Jan 2006, 17:32
Thanx Abhi.
Yes, space is a constraint , so I am sticking to the Genie-2s and the Roarr 2815.
Now about the AVRs - which is better? Onkyo TX-SR503 or Onkyo TX-SR702?
The latter is THX certified (dont know if that makes any major difference).
besides, I read a couple of times in the Forum that the Onkyo receivers heat up pretty fast! is that a problem commonly seen with Onkyo AVRs??
#8 erstellt: 01. Feb 2006, 12:39
Hi Juggy,
First let me know the price difference betweeen the two AVRs you have mentioned ??

Instead of Roarr 2815 I would reccommend you to check out Wharfdale SW-150 sub. Its a 150 watt active sub.

The reason is, since you have a smaller dimension room so the Roarr-2815 would be a definite overkill. See the Roarr is more for larger halls (around 20 X 12) where the quantity of sound (SPL) also matters as quality but in a smaller room like yours its the depth and quality which matters. Here the Wharfdale does a very good job. Price is similar but for your application Wharfs should do better. Dont worry your Genies would easily match the Wharfs as well.

As for THX, I havent done much research on this. What I know is if you wanna take advantage of THX then even your Speakers should be THX certified and even your Room should have THX certified Acoustic treatment.....anyway to put in short my limited experience with THX certified systems are as follows:
1. I do find THX certified recievers to have better Surround processing than the non-THX ones of the same brand and same series.

2. I also find THX certified recievers to be over-priced (barring some exceptions).

So if the difference is not much then its ok to go for THX else its bull-shit.

Have you tried Marantz SR-4500 ?? Anytime better than Onkyo IMO.
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#9 erstellt: 01. Feb 2006, 20:40
The Onkyo TX-SR503 is Rs.24,000 and the TX-SR702 is Rs.48,000.
Is there a Marantz dealer/showroom and service center in Bangalore? what is the price of an SR-4500?
#10 erstellt: 02. Feb 2006, 08:13
I dont think its worth spending 48k on that Onkyo AVR.
Better stick to 503.

Marantz has a dealer/Service Center in Bangalore named as Audio Planet.
You can talk to Mr.Palani, Give him my reference.
Phone:9845019192, 080-25523126.

You should get the SR-4500 for around 25k.
Its anytime better than the Onkyo in question.
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#11 erstellt: 02. Feb 2006, 10:09

I have an onkyo TX-NR900.

I have matched it with Sonodyne towers + roar 2815 sub. Plus sonodyne center and surrounds too. Works fine in my 17 by 18 room.

I love both the onkyo receiver and the sonodyne speakers, no problesm so far.

With regards to 503 vs 702, do a feature by feature comparison and buy what meets YOUR SPECIFIC needs

#12 erstellt: 02. Feb 2006, 10:18
Oh Manish !!! You are here, Great system buddy and great party as well. Your Ethernet cabling part was particularly envious. Sachi has already made up his mind to do a DIY thing similar to the Ethernet Feature on your Onkyo reciever. I still wonder why its not being provided on other entry/mid level AVRs, is it such a difficult technology to implement ??
#13 erstellt: 02. Feb 2006, 10:30

abhi.pani schrieb:
Oh Manish !!! You are here, Great system buddy and great party as well. Your Ethernet cabling part was particularly envious. Sachi has already made up his mind to do a DIY thing similar to the Ethernet Feature on your Onkyo reciever. I still wonder why its not being provided on other entry/mid level AVRs, is it such a difficult technology to implement ?? :.

Whoa!..hold your horses Abhi...i am still evaluating the USb Dac..but it won't have an OSD like Manish has and i will need to connect it directly to my comp and control the music thru my comp..
As of now, priority is to finish the my amp and then take up a different DAC(not USB DAC) project.

however, i did come across a product in yesterday's newspaper which claimed that it could do all the things that Manish showed us, including Internet Radio.
Price was around 250-300$..
Will look for the article and post the name of the product.

[Beitrag von Savyasaachi am 02. Feb 2006, 10:31 bearbeitet]
#14 erstellt: 02. Feb 2006, 10:46 it, you mean to say the USB dac you are talking about cant be connected to Internet ? It would be a direct connection between your PC and the Dac ?
Now the most interesting part of Manish's system was the User Interface through which he could select the song sitting on his Sofa. Thats real luxury man..
#15 erstellt: 02. Feb 2006, 10:57
i will have to check about the internet connectivity thing.
But as far as browsing while laying back on your couch...nope..u can't do least not unless u come up with ur own user interface software and on board memory and buffers.
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#16 erstellt: 03. Feb 2006, 01:47
Thanx Abhi. I will check out with Palani 'bout the Marantz.

Do u guyz use voltage stabilizers or any other kind of power surge protection on ur Home Theater System??

Power cuts are pretty common and voltage fluctuations do happen often in Bangalore.

Whats the best way to maintain the system??
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#17 erstellt: 03. Feb 2006, 14:03
I would suggest u to buy a good quality CVT preferably 2 KV or minimum of 1 KV. Buy a line voltage digital LED/analog meter and connect it. Please check the line voltage before switching on ur system. If the line voltage is more than 235 do not use ur system. Preferable line voltage is 230 +/- 1 % variation.

CVT should not give any hum. Keep it away from ur system.
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#18 erstellt: 03. Feb 2006, 18:16
which company CVT (2KV) and line voltage digital LED/analog meter do you use? what wud be the approximate price?
Does the AV receiver use-up a lot of power (current)?
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#19 erstellt: 04. Feb 2006, 10:31
which company CVT (2KV) and line voltage digital LED/analog meter do you use? what wud be the approximate price?
Does the AV receiver use-up a lot of power (current)

I am using krykard cvt and an imported analog line voltage meter, which I picked up from my friend. CVT - u may have to spend 7 K approx. LED line voltage meter will cost around 1 k and analog around Rs.200.

Power consumption of Entry level AVR - 250 to 300 watts and at peak it may draw 4 to 5 amps.
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#20 erstellt: 08. Feb 2006, 20:39
Read a number of times in the Forum that the Onkyo TX-SR503 gets pretty warm (sometimes even hot) when playing...even for a short duration.
Why does this happen?
Does it harm the Receiver?
(the same problem is also noticed in any of the Onkyo SR-602s)
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