
+A -A
#1 erstellt: 28. Jul 2004, 15:07
as i wrote in another thread, im searching a pair of speakers. very good small speakers. but, theres another thing: a surround system. i recently got a cheap video beamer so i'm searching a good receiver and speakers. they would be in another room, so the bookshelf speakers wont be used. i could spend up to lets say $2000. so what do you suggest?

#2 erstellt: 18. Aug 2004, 09:57
Hi.. For that budget a lot should be possible. Do you want to buy a complete sollution consisting of receiver and speakers or should there be more components inculdded in this budget.

Where do you live? What brands do you like or already have?

How big is the room where the surround system will be used in, do you plan to use a blank wall for the beamer or should there be a video portection wall also included in the budget?
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