Speakers for yamaha rx-v450

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#1 erstellt: 06. Sep 2005, 10:56
I have a center channel from Cerwin Vega , and need a pair of L/R main speakers to match with my Yamah RX-V450.

C.V is not available in Bangalore, only in Mumbai , where in fact they do not stock it anymore.

My Center channel is a 2 way speaker , 2 * 6.5" woofer along with a tweeter.

What kind of L/R speakers would be appropriate. Is it necessary to go with tower speakers, since in my opinion , having a heavy center channel with bookselves speaker, would drown the music as compared to the vocals.

Moreover , what should I be looking for , when shopping for matching speakers ( well I am now certain that I cannot match the brand , which is most imp. )

Plz advise.
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#2 erstellt: 07. Sep 2005, 08:39
i would say u need not worry..
u see the yamaha receiver has a 5 band graphic equaliser along with the usual level controls..
so i dopn't think u wil have too much problem matching the center with the fronts..

[Beitrag von benkenobi am 07. Sep 2005, 08:40 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 07. Sep 2005, 11:11
hi pranab,

came across the cerwin vega dealer at the av rev. show in delhi-
heres the details yu can try ur luck-
rivera international
phones- 022- 2380 0555/777 2385 7022


[Beitrag von anirvan am 07. Sep 2005, 13:47 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 07. Sep 2005, 12:27
You said there was some new Sonodyne equipments around a 1 Lakh, can you elaborate a bit regarding what were the things included in the 1 Lac package ??
#5 erstellt: 07. Sep 2005, 13:00
sure abhi-
the new system called "avant"
was aluminium enclosed 5" wide and deep-
had 2 towers 5' feet tall -
centre was about 2'feet wide -
rating was approx 150-175watt rms/channel at 8 ohms-
they had a new sub also with movie and music modes-variable crossover -now abhi i dont exactly if it was included in the package-( it was black in color , so my guess it wudnt be part of the otherwise matt silver speaker package)

all this for a lac bucks-

plus they have a touch panel pre amp and a 6 channel power amp for another 50k-

music and movies was awesome-
bass was slightly more i felt-(with trousers fluttering and the boom was dragging a bit-what do u call that?)
they played ray charles and natalie cole "fever"-
awesome 3D effect - could actually feel the singer in front, instruments behind- ( you call that sound staging i presume)
and they played a clip from "incredibles"
super vocals and highs- bass i told was dragging a little-guess you can control that..

its been just launched,they didnt a brochure of that ,and sorry cant remember the exact ratings-its not there on their site till now-

wish yu can audition it-
#6 erstellt: 07. Sep 2005, 13:29
So overall it was a HT package ??
I mean what about the stereo power amp....you didnt mention that ??
So the speakers itself was for 1 Lac ??
What surrounds were they using ??
#7 erstellt: 07. Sep 2005, 13:32
yes abhi
it was a ht package -
they had similar surrounds- aluminium finish et al-
for the stereo- they were using a stereo pre amp and a stereo power amp-

#8 erstellt: 07. Sep 2005, 13:38
How was the stereo performance (without the sub) ??
Whats the price of their pre-power stereo combo ??
Did they mention the price of their floorstanders ??
#9 erstellt: 07. Sep 2005, 13:46
they did play stereo without the sub-
it was super-
just the towers are for 60k-
and i dont remember the price of the stereo prepower combo

#10 erstellt: 09. Sep 2005, 08:58
Good one Anirvan, Did they mention when these products are going to hit the stores ??
#11 erstellt: 09. Sep 2005, 09:24
"very soon"
would they wait for the mumbai show or push it before that?
lets wait and see
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#12 erstellt: 11. Sep 2005, 12:33
I have the same amp with JBL E30s and am quite happy. Buy a good sub though.
The cook
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