a/v reciever and speakers

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#1 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2005, 20:44
I am trying to find out some good advice for the chioce between the following a/v recievers - ARCAM 250 between NAD T773. The speakers are tricky as I live in an apartment and my wife wants small wall mounted speakers (has to be white) - looking at Monitor Radius 90 with the Radius 180 centerchannel and the radius 360 sub woofer.
Anyone have an option? All types of music, jazz, classical, hard rock, and movies. Open to suggestions???
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#2 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2005, 21:33
those my friend should work pretty well while keeping ur better half smiling.
excellent setup for ur needs. hard to find somethign remotely close to this.

#3 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2005, 09:13
where are you planning to get the NAD recievers from ? Whats the price of NAD recievers you have mentioned ?
#4 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2005, 11:49
Abhi Pani u seem to over enthu about knowing prices. i feel you are intersted in pickin up stuff, are u intersted in GM prices?
#5 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2005, 12:08
Yes, why not, I am very much enthusiastic about NAD recievers and am looking for one since quite a few days......BTW I know NAD stereo amps are available in GM but not sure about NAD recievers......What info do you have about them ?
BTW I am in the process of building my hifi and currently researching on speakers (towers).....soon after that I will be looking for AVRs, so I am keen on collecting as much info about them as possible.
#6 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2005, 12:34
Abhi Pani then this is the way to go I hurried and shelled out lot of money on my Ht and now regretting I could've done it better if some reserach had happened like what you are doing.Not too upset with my set up, but the money I put in 1,14,000 argh

My advice- never be in a hurry listen listen listen till your ears ache and then put your hardearned money.
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#7 erstellt: 13. Jun 2005, 08:41
The Arcam's are supposed to be one of the most musical speakers in the market. They do not have a whole lot of speakers though.

My understanding is that Arcam does not have room equliazaiton feature. If you have the time and the patience to treat your room, you would probably like Arcam.

I audiotioned Arcam 300 with JM labs floorstanders and was very very impressed.

I do not have any experience with NAD though. Please let me know how much and where you are getting arcam in India.
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