Need your opinion about 5.0 surround sound system

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#1 erstellt: 08. Jun 2004, 09:58
I have a Panasonic S35 dvd player and Panasonic HE75 av receiver. And I would like to get a 5.0 sound (about $300-$400). I think Eltax is good at this price range. And i would like to hear your opinions about Eltax MovieMaxx 5.0 pack. I'll use it 50% of the time for music listenning(in stereo mode) and 50% - for movie watching(surround). Is it good for music listening ? Does it need a sub or front speakers are enough for bass (My music preference - electronic music such as techno, trance and drum'n'bass) ?

Are there any alternatives to Eltax at this price range ?

P.S. Sorry for my awful english.
#2 erstellt: 15. Jun 2004, 18:08
I suggest JBL / Jamo / Audio Pro but definitly no eltax.

eltax is for small budget fine but do not expect too much of them, regardless of what What hifi says off them.

Magnat is adviseable too
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