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Need AV Reciever suggestion

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#1 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 11:33
Hi all,

I am looking for an AVR in the range rs.15k - 20K. Need suggestions in Onkyo, JBL, Yamaha.

#2 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 14:44
Sonodyne.....all the way...Model AVR300...cost the pants out of any other AVR in this price range.
#3 erstellt: 10. Jun 2006, 05:14
You could try an entry level marantz also.
#4 erstellt: 10. Jun 2006, 11:57

What about speakers???

#5 erstellt: 12. Jun 2006, 11:38
Hey guys,

How much will Onkyo HT Packages - Enhancer, Primetime & Hollywood Station - cost me ????

#6 erstellt: 13. Jun 2006, 06:27
Hi All

I contacted an authorized dealer of Onkyo here in Delhi, asking for the price of their HT Packages - Challenger, Amazer and Dominator.

They say the above packages have been discontinued. It it true ???

They suggested me to go for HT-580 (Gladiator) and quoted me a price of Rs. 35,750/- which i find to be a bit steep.

Could you guys please help me on the above.
#7 erstellt: 13. Jun 2006, 06:43
I think you'll get and entry level Yam for around 16k
#8 erstellt: 13. Jun 2006, 06:59

Shahrukh schrieb:
I think you'll get and entry level Yam for around 16k

Any Specific models. Please suggest.
#9 erstellt: 13. Jun 2006, 07:07
Dont go for such entry level would sound cheap and boomy....go for something like Wharfdale Diamond 9.0 and you could enjoy for years.
#10 erstellt: 13. Jun 2006, 09:03

SUNILYO schrieb:
Any Specific models. Please suggest.

RXV 450 and the like. Dunno which series is doing the rounds right now tho. But Yam is IMO more of a "Movies" amp. Like Manek said, an entry level Marantz amp should serve you well for movies and music.
#11 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 07:45
If the Yamaha is properly setup using all its advanced options especially the parametric EQ,for which you will need expert help,then it too can sound quite good.
Regards Deaf
Ist häufiger hier
#12 erstellt: 15. Jun 2006, 07:25
One of the Yammies I checked up has equalisation only for the centre channel. Check up the brochures on their website ( They are all downloadable ). But the most important part IMO is listening to the setup with your own disk in a listening area similar to yours.
All the best,
#13 erstellt: 06. Jul 2006, 09:34
Hey Abhi,

You still must be wondering whether i will ever own my HTS.

But i am still exploring the options. Was going thru the forum and found about marantz AVRs. what do you think about it? How much will it cost? Will the entry level Marantz work good with the Sonus in terms of quality?

After a lot of reading and posting i decided to go for quality. hence increased by budget to 40-45K and initially opt for 2.0 system + AVR.

Please suggest me some options.
#14 erstellt: 06. Jul 2006, 09:40
One more thing.

the 2.0 setup has to be with the Tower speakers. My interests are movies = 50% and music = 50%.

But do you suggest.
#15 erstellt: 06. Jul 2006, 10:05
Sonus 2605 Towers + Marantz SR-4500 (very good combo for both applications within 50k)
#16 erstellt: 06. Jul 2006, 10:17

abhi.pani schrieb:
Sonus 2605 Towers + Marantz SR-4500 (very good combo for both applications within 50k)

Any idea how much will sr-4500 cost?
#17 erstellt: 06. Jul 2006, 10:34
Around 26-28k
#18 erstellt: 06. Jul 2006, 10:42
Or you could check the buy and sell column on this forum for people who are selling their Marantz receivers for lesser
#19 erstellt: 06. Jul 2006, 10:51
Hey Abhi,

I came across this term Video up-conversion.

What is it?

Does it have any advantages?
#20 erstellt: 06. Jul 2006, 12:30
Hey Sunil,
Go to the bye & sell section. There is a Marantz SR-4400 for sale. Its a very good AVR, I have auditioned it. Check if you may get good deal.
#21 erstellt: 07. Jul 2006, 11:58
Any Idea how much a pair of Diamond 9.5 or Monitor 50 will cost ????
#22 erstellt: 07. Jul 2006, 18:36
Monitor50 is a crap costing 17k
Diamond 9.5 is ok, costing 28k
#23 erstellt: 08. Jul 2006, 04:30
Hey Abhi,
according to you is there any other option available for towers within 25k apart from sonus 2605 (20k).

What about diamond 8.4 or monitor 60?

one more thing can these be used with the locally made amplifiers. this is just for my knowledge.

Or is there any possibility of attaching the two towers directly to the sub. cause i have seen a few subs with input / output options for left & right channels.
#24 erstellt: 08. Jul 2006, 15:17
Hi Sunil,
Both Diamond 8.4 and Monitor60 are good but different.
Diamonds are better but laid back, I found it lacks excitement (somewhat). Monitor60 is bright.

For all of them, you would better attach a dedicated amp, even good local ones will do fine. Attaching it to sub...dont know !!
#25 erstellt: 10. Jul 2006, 07:06
Hi Abhi,

Thanks for your reply.

On saturday I got the chance to listen to both the Diamond 8.4 and the Monitor 50. I found the latter to be slightly boomy whereas the former had a balanced blend of tight bass and treble.

They quoted me Rs. 17500/-for the Monitor's and Rs. 20500/- for the Diamond's. I will also get a discount of 5 to 10 percent. So out of these i chose the diamond 8.4.

then i came to know about the S406 from Jamo. this is an entry level speakers which the Jamo's have out up with.

After listening to the Jamo's, i literally did not find any difference between them and diamond 8.4 (may be a bit brighter than diamond's). This is just my point of view.

I was quoted Rs. 13000 for the pair of Jamo's and Rs. 20500/- for their 5.0 package, which i think will be better for me considereing my budget and the type sound quality which i am getting at this price. It shells out 120W RMS @ 6 ohms (the floor standers).

Plus they also come with a 07 year replacement warranty on the speakers (no matter what happens), which again i think is an additional advantage. The Diamond's come with 01 year warranty. I know normally nothing could go wrong especailly with speakers, but when you are getting all this at an affordable price why not take it. What do you have to say on this?

If you get a chance just listen to them, and tell me.

Afterall you guys are the more experienced one's and your suggestions have really helped me in understanding sound better.

[Beitrag von SUNILYO am 10. Jul 2006, 07:18 bearbeitet]
#26 erstellt: 10. Jul 2006, 07:53
I wonder how you didnt find a difference between Jamo S406..

Jamo entry level is crap IMO. They get interesting from E600 onwards, which is 30k+.
Still if it does for you then its fine. But still I would say you are better off with Either Diamond 8.4 (even 8.3 is good) or a Sonus2605 (very exciting speaker indeed), because its your main speakers and its going to give you 75% of the pleasure and also its a long term investment so better save and buy one of them than stick around with something mediocre.
My two cents buddy
#27 erstellt: 10. Jul 2006, 11:08

I wonder how you didnt find a difference between Jamo S406..
My two cents buddy

Abe Dynaudio natak band kar and give him some info about Athena you auditioned.. they are excellent VFM sound and build wise too
#28 erstellt: 10. Jul 2006, 11:28
which model ? and how much ?
#29 erstellt: 10. Jul 2006, 11:28

SUB_BOSS schrieb:

I wonder how you didnt find a difference between Jamo S406..
My two cents buddy

Abe Dynaudio natak band kar and give him some info about Athena you auditioned.. they are excellent VFM sound and build wise too

Buddy Athena AS-F2.2 is very good but priced around 37k, way above his budget...
The other day you were telling that you want to sell your Klipsch for 20k, shall I recommend that

#30 erstellt: 10. Jul 2006, 12:25
Hey guys

Another question.

In a surround setup apart from the front channels can we keep floor standards for rear channels.

i.e for the

front channels - floor standers
center channel - center spkr
rear channels - floor standers
rear surround channels - satellite speakers

will it sound good, boomy or should we stick to the same old satellite concept.
#31 erstellt: 10. Jul 2006, 12:41
Yes. But, IMO you wouldn't be doing them justice. Not in a small - medium sized room atleast.
Ist häufiger hier
#32 erstellt: 10. Jul 2006, 13:25
Abhi, who deals with Athena in bangalore???
#33 erstellt: 10. Jul 2006, 13:33
Juggy, there was a dealer named Hansa Electronics who used to deal in athena but they stopped it. so you have to contact the mumbai dealer and ask who is currently dealing athena in Banglore. Go to and look ath the dealers in India
#34 erstellt: 11. Jul 2006, 06:05

Shahrukh schrieb:
But, IMO you wouldn't be doing them justice. Not in a small - medium sized room atleast.

What if the rear floor standers are of lower power ?
#35 erstellt: 11. Jul 2006, 06:31

SUNILYO schrieb:

Shahrukh schrieb:
But, IMO you wouldn't be doing them justice. Not in a small - medium sized room atleast.

What if the rear floor standers are of lower power ?

I'd prefer going with small standmounts. Floorstanders would, in my opinion be overkill. Unless, of course you have a huge listening room. Incidently, what is the size of your listening area?
#36 erstellt: 11. Jul 2006, 06:54

Shahrukh schrieb:
Incidently, what is the size of your listening area?

Not much about 150 sq feet in total. Any suggestions for floormounts .
#37 erstellt: 11. Jul 2006, 07:10

SUNILYO schrieb:
Any suggestions for floormounts?

Sure, millions!!

What will help us narrow things down a bit is YOUR budget and YOUR preferences.

P.S.: I know I'm being kind of a spoilsport here sunil, but it's YOU who has to decide. It's pointles going by what others say. Yes, if you've zeroed down to a couple of sets we could always give you aour opinions on them. - What we think are the pros and cons. But at the end of the day it's all about YOU buddy. You're buying YOUR system, not ours.
#38 erstellt: 11. Jul 2006, 07:30

SUNILYO schrieb:

Shahrukh schrieb:
But, IMO you wouldn't be doing them justice. Not in a small - medium sized room atleast.

What if the rear floor standers are of lower power ?

How low ??? 10 Watts ?
Cmon buddy, any floorstander would be handling around 75-100 watts and it would be a waste if you dont give them enough space to breathe.
#39 erstellt: 11. Jul 2006, 07:47
For my fronts i am using the Jamo S406 floor standers. I know its not a very choice but i found it to be a ok-ok option considering my budget (25 K). The jamo's are costing me Rs. 12.5K per pair plus i am planning on a sub most probably it will be the Polk PC10 Rs.10K.

I will be getting my fronts tommorrow and sub i will get them in a weeks time.

But i havent listened to the Polk sub. how is it ??? or is there any other option available (i guess not).
#40 erstellt: 11. Jul 2006, 08:32
Buddy that sub is a crap crap crap.......dont throw your money into the well bu going for it. I have listened to it...its a cheap crappy stuff...believe me. Listen to them and you will know.

For 12k, you will get Sonodyne Roarr 1815, Wharfdale SW-100.
Both are far far better. Dont compromise on sub buddy, you will lose a lot of charm in your movies.
#41 erstellt: 11. Jul 2006, 08:34
Hey Guys,

Just got a call from the dealer, he said Jamo's will take around a month to deliver, and i cannot wait for that long, hence i have finalized the Sonus 2605 with him and will be getting it tommorrow.

Will let you know once i listen to them at my home. I have already listened to it a dealer here in gurgaon and i found it good option too.

I am getting it for 20K. I was quoted the same price here in gurgaon too so i think thats the best i can get. so i will forget the sub for some time now. i think i wont be requiring for some it, at least for the time being as i will be using it in stereo mode.
#42 erstellt: 11. Jul 2006, 13:30
Good one buddy....luck helped you take a very good decission indeed
#43 erstellt: 11. Jul 2006, 13:54

All The Best.

ENJOY your new system
#44 erstellt: 12. Jul 2006, 05:41
Thanks everyone (especially Abhi) for helping me and guiding me with all the nitty-gritties of sound, speakers and AVR's.

I will require all your help again when i will be buying my AVR and Sub.

[Beitrag von SUNILYO am 12. Jul 2006, 05:42 bearbeitet]
#45 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 12:41
Hi everyone,

After a long wait i have got the Sonus 2605 pair. Though at present i have connected them to a locally made amp but it feels good. And now i need your help in getting me an AVR available under 35K.

any suggestions ???
#46 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 17:54
Marantz SR-5500...both for movie and music.
#47 erstellt: 14. Jul 2006, 05:52
What price ? any idea ?
#48 erstellt: 14. Jul 2006, 06:24
Around 35k but you have to bargain...they may start at 40k or even above but if you go to 2-3 dealers and bargain then they would come down to 35k. In US its around 22k
#49 erstellt: 14. Jul 2006, 07:19
Apart from Marantz any other options which you can suggest.
#50 erstellt: 14. Jul 2006, 07:38
Sunfire Ultimate. Though you might need to stretch your budget a bit!!
#51 erstellt: 14. Jul 2006, 07:53
How Much ?
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