New HT

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#1 erstellt: 07. Jan 2006, 07:56
Hi,im new to this forum. im in the process of setting up a hometheatre.For receiver ,what i have in mind is Marantz sr5600,for sub im considering polk psw12 or psw404,has anyone auditioned these subs?is there a port noise for psw12[16k] ? also ,is the psw404[21k] worth the extra money?,my room is a medium sized,average indian room.

Im considering the sr5600 for its musical performance.with the amount of money that i have now,i can buy either the reveiver[near 30k] Or the sub, and use it with my existing stereo setup.

Is the marantz worth 28k Rs?.Or should i buy the sub first and wait for the receiver price to come down?
#2 erstellt: 11. Jan 2006, 10:10
The price of the reciever (28k) is fine.....are you getting it with papers ??

For the sub, go for Sonodyne, for 12k you would get a much better sub for all round stereo and HT performance...
Or go for Wharfdale subs, even they are much better than the Polk subs you are looking at. I did listen to the Polk subs...they are just average sounding.

If you are eyeing at Marantz then dont look back as they are easily the best for musical performance. If you are keen on HT then check out Sonodyne reciever (better than the Marantz for HT and just for 17k, so you can get your sub also... )

However if you have to buy only one of the two (sub or the reciever) then it would be anytime the reciever first.
Atleast you have speakers and you can enjoy your music until a sub arrives.
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