please suggest a good 5 channel amplifier

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#1 erstellt: 23. Mai 2005, 10:48
any 5 channel amplifier with just 40RMS into 8ohms for very reasonable price...
#2 erstellt: 23. Mai 2005, 15:05
please anybody help me in finding these amplifiers and who are dealing with these amps
#3 erstellt: 24. Mai 2005, 08:51
If you are talking about AVR, then Pioneer has one for 12k. I have seen that, its decent.

Yamaha RXV-350 is also around 15k.
#4 erstellt: 24. Mai 2005, 10:05
I just need amplifiers not av receiver... reasonably good amplifiers...
#5 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 10:33
you mean your want a 5 channel power amp or a 5 channel pre-power integrated amp ?

#6 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 12:16
Actually my customer is asking to connect it to the philips DVD player. So i think we need just 5 channel amp not the preamp+ amp versions..

What do u suggest manek. The budget of this candidate is low... suggest something...
#7 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 13:07
what is the purpose....? Is it Public Address or a Home audio ??
#8 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 13:53
its for home audio .... for HT purpose...
#9 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 13:57
budget ?
#10 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 13:59
Hi Sandeep,

Why doesn't your customer want an AVR?

5 channel power amps are meant to supplement receivers and add muscle to the performance, hence they have power ratings higher than the 40 odd W that you are looking for.

Also prices!!!

#11 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 14:25
big ears is right..multichannel amps are connected to the pre-outs of the av recvr to enhance power. Some use the AVR's for centre and surrounds whilst the fronts are driven by stereo power amps. Secondly for good multichannel HT perfomance, you need good DAC's and the multichannel DAC's in the budget AVR's are a shade better than the ones in budget low end DVD players.

BTW you will need a preamp/AVR to adjust volume, speaker balance, crossover frequencies and other HT parameters...I think an AVR is needed.

Sony India sell an entry level AVR for 16k. Entry Level Denon I think sells for 19k. Entry level Harmon would be somewhere there as well. Sonodyne has launched a AVR as well and could be could check.

#12 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 18:31
Very true, Manek.

Sandeep, IMHO it is a no-brainer that a decent receiver is essential in a Ht setup. HT isn’t simply having 5 channels of amplification, it entails good DACs to steer the sound around the room and of course, bass management. Also, despite what you may think, a good sub is essential for good HT performance. How would you include a sub in this system?

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. If your speakers are as good as you make them out to be, then all the more reason for you to insist on good amplification to bring out the best in them. That is the way I would personally go. I mean, if I had some low end speaker system to begin with, I wouldn’t think twice about picking up some low budget Kenwood or JVC receiver to drive them. But, if I had something like a Contour T 2.5 or a Nautilus speaker setup, it would surely be foolish on my part to go shopping for some cheap amp!

I think you would be extremely hard pressed to find a multichannel amp offering 40 wpc as today any receiver on the market already has 60 plus wpc on tap.

#13 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 19:18
ok then i will recommend AVR

Actually he said that he listened to the Onkyo but he is not impressed with the sound. I said that to go to rotel ifyou have enough budget and if not go to philips for low budget and onkyo and profx will fall in the mid range...

I dont understand how to deal with this guy...

which system I have to recommend.

His taste is like this>>>>

He wants highly involving sound... very smooth and soft sound( I ve recommened Marantz )

Earth shattering bass experience

superior surround sound with 5.1 setup.

Tell me what to do..

He is much impressed by my speakers but what shall i recommend in terms of AVR or DVD player.

Just give the complete system description for this
#14 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 19:46
If he knows he wants all of this, then he should also know he needs to pay for it!

I don't know the first thing about his taste but you wouldn't go wrong in recommending to him a Pioneer DVD player and a Denon/Marantz/Yamaha receiver. Which model to choose would obviously depend upon his budget. At any given price level, all of the above have very decent products in their lineup.

#15 erstellt: 26. Mai 2005, 07:48
big ears wrote :

I don't know the first thing about his taste but you wouldn't go wrong in recommending to him a Pioneer DVD player and a Denon/Marantz/Yamaha receiver

very true at entry level they hardly differ....with very few feature diffrences....better tell your customer to write a fat check...If he is not happy with Onkyo then I doubt he will be happy with entry level denon/yamaha....all are almost same...yam with lil more grunt and denon with lil more fart....
#16 erstellt: 26. Mai 2005, 07:59
Check out HK AVR 130. I think that exactly matches your requirement. It has got that smoothness and detailed sound without compromising on Bass. But it is priced at 26k.

Or else get him a good active Sub, Something like a Velodyne. Then Marantz will do well to keep up with Detailing as well as Low freq performance.
#17 erstellt: 26. Mai 2005, 13:19
Buy 5 AHUJA mono power blocs and enjoy
#18 erstellt: 26. Mai 2005, 13:43
hey trojan horse...stop man...
ok baba i will recommend HK to him... dont criticize man..
#19 erstellt: 27. Mai 2005, 06:49
Dont take my words for granted, go check it out yourself......
#20 erstellt: 27. Mai 2005, 07:37
Sonic_Master wrote :

hey trojan horse...stop man...

don't get worked up pal.Even we have been putting up with your posts.

Why don't you buy 10 mono blocks and bridge them
#21 erstellt: 27. Mai 2005, 09:19
my customer wants good quality and yesterday i said that to him about the prices and he wants some good amps man.. not ahuja... He didnt like the quality of Onkyo so what shall i suggest?
#22 erstellt: 27. Mai 2005, 09:23
HK AVR130.
#23 erstellt: 27. Mai 2005, 12:38
thank you abhi...
#24 erstellt: 31. Mai 2005, 08:28

Why dont you go around and hear the amps and suggest something that matches your speakers...if possible take your speakers with you and demo them(in stereo atleast) or better still get a demo piece to your home/workshop and plug it in to see how all your speakers fare with the amp. You cant just recommend blindly....

#25 erstellt: 31. Mai 2005, 11:20
ok manek i will do that..but one more thing..

The ratings on the AVRs like HK, Denon, Marantz etc..are claimed as 100 watts into 5 or something like that..

do they give 100RMS into 8 ohms tat too continuous power?

Im doubtful about that..

I think they are the peak ratings..

Do they use ICs rather than the discreet components?
#26 erstellt: 31. Mai 2005, 11:56
I too doubt it that they are continuous power choose accordingly. you may have to check the spec sheet to see what the continuous power ratings are.

#27 erstellt: 31. Mai 2005, 12:07
It would be more like 60-65% of the output mentioned, all channels driven.

Also, these Japanese companies have started this new habit of giving their power ratings at 6 Ohms and not 8, so you have check the specs carefully. HK figures are more realistic.
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