Suggest an excellent Subwoofer

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#1 erstellt: 15. Aug 2005, 09:49
Hi All,

This is my current setup

Yamaha RXV550
Klipsch RF10(floorstanders)
Klipsch RC25(center)
Modraunt Short Avant 902(Bookshelves)

Iam looking for a good sub to complete my kit. I would love see some good suggestion and pointers on the same.

Iam also looking for a good stereo amp and as people here suggested the Marantz, I have decided on the Marantz PM7200 and I have audtioned it at my friend's place in bangalore. It sounds pretty neat. But now I need you guys to help me out with the sub.

- Harmon
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#2 erstellt: 15. Aug 2005, 10:17
don't you think u need to specify certain parameters, like budget, SPL or quality, driver size, stereo or HT usage...etc, etc
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#3 erstellt: 15. Aug 2005, 10:28
Usage: 70% Movie and 30% Music
Budget:under Rs.25k
Room Size: 14/12
Driver Size: 10" or 12"

- Harmon
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#4 erstellt: 15. Aug 2005, 10:34
Try the DEf tech subs ..
you can come to my place and audition it if you want to...
the others are Velodyne(on the edge of your budget )
and yamaha and of course wharfedale's new one SW-150.
The others that i can think of are Lithos(if you can audition it) and Arasu's LAya Acoustics sub(a single 12 inch driver.
you may have a couple of options more..
check it out..
Ist häufiger hier
#5 erstellt: 16. Aug 2005, 04:44
Sachi, How much does the Laya Acoustics 12" sub cost approx?
#6 erstellt: 16. Aug 2005, 08:57
hi there...

Considering your room size and budget, i would recommend
either the velodyne or the def tech.
velodyne vx 10 is about 26k and the def tech prosub 200 is
for 27k.
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