Quick sugesstion please

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#1 erstellt: 20. Mai 2005, 12:56
Out of the A/V recievers which one of the Marantz or a Denon is good. Under 25k.

- harmon
#2 erstellt: 20. Mai 2005, 13:42
If you are looking for Punch then its Denon,

If you are looking for detailed and smooth sounding HT then its Marantz anytime.

If you are looking for something in between then its HK all the way.

What speakers and sub-woofer you will be using ?
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#3 erstellt: 23. Mai 2005, 04:58
Hello Abhi,
I have the Klipsch RF-10 floorstanders, Moderaunt Short (centre and surrounds), currently I dont have a subwoofer, Iam plannin to upgrade later, if you have any suggestion on the subwoofer please help me on that too.

the reciever can you tell me which model of Marantz I should go for and how much it costs.

- Harmon
#4 erstellt: 23. Mai 2005, 05:38
Klipsch is a very high sensitive speaker.....you can try Marantz 5500, It retails at around 34k.
But you also should look at HK AVR 230/330.

What is your budget for the AVR and Sub?
#5 erstellt: 23. Mai 2005, 05:54
harmon....I still feel Mordaunt will gasp to keep up with Klipsch but make it a point to buy an AVR with option to set up speakers with microphone or else you will end up with a stereo... Left front and right front stereo... It's always better to have a klipsch center as I have seen people trying various combos with Rf fronts and other centres..but ultimately settling to Klipsch center.if you stll have an option return Mordaunt to your dealer and go in for all Klipsch.....i think another 5k will make your HT awesome.
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#6 erstellt: 23. Mai 2005, 06:20
I shall check with dealer if he can exchange the center. I have Mordaunt bookshelves for surrounds, 902 series for surrouds, I guess that must be fine? right?

- harmon
#7 erstellt: 23. Mai 2005, 08:12
If the price diff is not too much you might as well as go in for klipsch surrounds....is better than MS any day
#8 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 08:22

its always best to buy an HT speaker system from the same manufacturer and if possible the same range of speakers. Your speakers need to be timbre and spl matched. Buying klipsch fronts and expecting MS centre and surrounds to sound the same is not right.
This is my opinion but others may differ.

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#9 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 08:35
YOu are absolutely right. The reason I chose MS center was because Klipsch RC 10 did not sound great when I took a demo and now probably my room not being well fabricated for sound, the MS is not performing. Even otherwise the theory of having the same brand for a HT setup is absolutely true.

- harmon
#10 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 10:07

I'm sure the MS is performing but not to the same specs as the klipsch. I'm sure they just sound different, not at all from the same stock.
If its possible for you, get the matching klipsch centre and surrounds or give up the klipsch fronts and buy matching MS floorstanders for a more homogenous and balanced sounding setup. Centre channels and surrounds are made specially to match the similar fronts on many parameters. Once your speakers are set then go in for the avr of your choice keeping the speaker systems sonic signature and imepdance.

Take a home demo if you can. Taking a demo in the dealers shop is the first thing you do but one should not rely upon what you hear there completely. If home demo's are not possible then the best bet is to go for the same brand and range.

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#11 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 10:24
Manek, I spoke with the dealer today. He is fine to replace my center to RC 25, the surrounds I keep the same MS. I currently use a yamaha 550, which Iam goin to replace with Marantz 4400. Is there any difference between the 4400 and the 4500? Marantz sure is better than the Denon right?

- harmon
#12 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 11:04
Keeping your system in view....its Marantz anyday.

Denon are good for HT, no doubt about that, but your speakers are very high sensitive so a Marantz (with its detailed SQ) will do wonders.
#13 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 11:05
You will also get to hear some decent 2 channel Stereo (again a Marantz trait).....thats a bonus in an HT setup
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#14 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 11:08
Iam plannin to get a stereo amp in a couple of months. WHen it comes to HT i want detailed sound right from whisper to the bullet swoosh... SO now tell me if its a Marantz or a Denon...

- vikram
#15 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 11:12
For detailed sound its Marantz, but tell me which sub are you using ??
#16 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 11:12
what is your room size ?
#17 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 11:13
Did you check out HK ?
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#18 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 11:14
Around 80 sqft. I will be moving to a bigger place sometime next year and that will be close to 150sq ft

- harmon
#19 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 11:26
which sub ?
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#20 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 11:31
I dont have a sub right now. Iam plannin to do shopping on that too... I heard there are Velodynes for 24k. If you know something about that please do tell me which model please.

My setup goes like this for a broader picture

Klipsch RF 10
Mordaunt Short 905c(which Iam relacing with Klipsch RC 25)
Mordaunt Short 902 surrounds(bookshelf)
Yamaha 550 - plannin to replace it

- harmon
#21 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 11:38
Marantz has a trait of good detailed sound but it may also sound a bit laid-back to some. The Laid-backness is mainly due to the some feebleness in Low End Slam. This is easily compensated by having a upfront front speakers and a good Slammy Sub.

Your fronts being the klipsch will do a very good job with Marantz, if you have a equally good sub then you are simply ON. Moreover your room size of 150 sqft is also not too big so I would suggest Marantz.

Have you taken a demo yet ?

Velodynes are very good, you can also try Klipsch Subs.

Both have good reviews (velodynes being the specialists in Subs)..
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#22 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 11:45
Thanks for the valuable info. But personally wat do you think of the Yamaha 550 that I have right now//

- harmon
#23 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 11:56
I havent heard them but I know yamaha is not good for acoustics....Anyway when you are spending so much for a HT then why compromise on such an essential component ?
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#24 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 12:02
Yeh true. Suggest a under 25k and under 35k range Marantz recieverss

- harmon
#25 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 12:08
Velodyne, Klipsch and Definitive Technology all have their products at 25k range. Velodyne should be the best but cant guarantee because I havent heard others....
You got to do this homework.

As for Marantz it is Marantz 5500 or 5600, I think 5600 is 7.1 where as 5500 is 6.1.

The price would be 5500: 34k
5600: 37k.

If you can afford then go for 7.1 setup.
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#26 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 12:17
How is the detailing of sound on the 5600 apart from the number of channels? when compared with the 4500 or a 4400

- vikram
#27 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 12:20
5500 is more powerful and I suggest you to go for them.
4500 would not be bad but may lack power.

Detailing has to be compared side by side....I havent done that.

Why dont you audition 4500 and 5500 ? You will know about their differences and your priorities quite well..
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#28 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 12:23
so the only difference between them is the wattage ..

- harmon
#29 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 12:28
may not just be the wattage but also tonality. Audition both if you can side by side.

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#30 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 12:32
alright.. Thanks a lot.

- harmon
#31 erstellt: 25. Mai 2005, 12:33
Yes Harmon,
You got to do a bit of excercise. At the most a model can be suggested but whether it is worth it has to be checked out personally.

As you have Zeroed upon Marantz, just go ahead and audition each of their models within your budget.

The same applies for the sub.
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