Paradigm monitor 7 hook up

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#1 erstellt: 04. Feb 2004, 07:06
I just purchased a pair of Paradigm monitor 7 and am confused about the hook up since there is high frequency and low frequency hook ups. which do I use. I have a Harmon Kardon AVR 7000.

Should i use one or the other or both and cojoin the wires into the one terminal on the HK ?

I do not have a sub just these two mains for now, more paradigm coming for center and rear.
thanks and aloha,
#2 erstellt: 05. Feb 2004, 15:35
you can use the low/high frequency terminals to bi-wire the speakers. Are there any terminals behing the HK for normal speakers ?
Ist häufiger hier
#3 erstellt: 21. Jul 2005, 20:36
From where did you buy the Paradigm speakers?
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