Where is your system set up?
1. Living room (42.1 %, 8 Stimmen)
2. Bedroom (31.6 %, 6 Stimmen)
3. Dedicated music room (26.3 %, 5 Stimmen)
4. Acoustically treated room (0 %, 0 Stimmen)
5. Study/Den (0 %, 0 Stimmen)
6. Basement (0 %, 0 Stimmen)
7. Some other place (0 %, 0 Stimmen)
(Die Umfrage ist beendet)

Where is your system set up?

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 09. Aug 2007, 16:33
There is at least one thing everybody here agrees on, and that is - "A music system is as good as the room it is in"

But having a room designed specifically for your system may not be a realistic possibility for a lot of us. Just wanted to get a general idea of where the systems are usually set up...please share if you wish to...
#2 erstellt: 09. Aug 2007, 16:36
I'll go first...

Currently we are staying in an apartment that has one room too many for the two of us so for the moment I have the luxury of having a dedicated room for my system

Acoustically, its not that great. In fact, its pretty unwieldy that way...but at least it does not get in the way of others and I can listen to it without constant disturbance
#3 erstellt: 09. Aug 2007, 17:06
Ditto here..i got a dedicated room ..actually two rooms..
One is purely for HT and the other is for stereo..
The stereo room dimensions are 11X18X9.5 and the one for HT is about 12.5X16.75X9.5. Acoustically , the HT room is pretty good but lots of space for improvement. the stereo room is good but needs some improvement and proper speaker/couch placement.
#4 erstellt: 09. Aug 2007, 17:18
For me its our living room, but incidentally its more dedicated towards audio than anything else. It has more audio related stuffs (electronics, speakers, CDs, cables) lying around than living room components (sofas, center table, lamps, decorative stuffs) .
Even the positioning of the speakers takes higher priority over other aesthetics. Currently I am using a diagonal positioning . Love the sound
#5 erstellt: 09. Aug 2007, 17:27

Savyasaachi schrieb:

the stereo room is good but needs some improvement and proper speaker/couch placement.

I forgot to mention that this room was my bedroom dad turned it into a stereo room after i left.. The setup currently in the 'stereo' room is my DIY active 3 ways with the DIY DAC and the HK DVD 30 as the transport.
#6 erstellt: 10. Aug 2007, 05:03
living room. its the only vacant room i've got plus its got a huge cupboard against the front wall that acts as a good diffusor
#7 erstellt: 10. Aug 2007, 05:11
Hi Folks,
Somehow I feel that the idea of a dedicated listening room is a bit anti-social. I would much rather have my system in the living room instead. This way, friends can come by and talk over a mozart concerto. The children also get to listen to music other than what they get on tv.
#8 erstellt: 10. Aug 2007, 05:29

This way, friends can come by and talk over a mozart concerto.

Isn’t that like eating a Gourmet meal while reading a newspaper ?
#9 erstellt: 10. Aug 2007, 05:38

Amp_Nut schrieb:

This way, friends can come by and talk over a mozart concerto.

Isn’t that like eating a Gourmet meal while reading a newspaper ? ;)

Why i do it everyday and love it
#10 erstellt: 10. Aug 2007, 07:23

purnendu schrieb:
Hi Folks,
Somehow I feel that the idea of a dedicated listening room is a bit anti-social. I would much rather have my system in the living room instead. This way, friends can come by and talk over a mozart concerto. The children also get to listen to music other than what they get on tv.

I would like to keep the TV separate from audio.
when son wants to watch power rangers, Mother in law wants to watch Saas-Bahu serials beginning with K and wife wants to watch the song shows..i can quietly slink away and listen to music

[Beitrag von Arj am 10. Aug 2007, 07:25 bearbeitet]
#11 erstellt: 10. Aug 2007, 13:48
I have the system set up in my 'single' bedroom
#12 erstellt: 10. Aug 2007, 13:55

Savyasaachi schrieb:

Amp_Nut schrieb:

This way, friends can come by and talk over a mozart concerto.

Isn’t that like eating a Gourmet meal while reading a newspaper ? ;)

Why i do it everyday and love it :P

Now is that DIY Gourmet ?
#13 erstellt: 10. Aug 2007, 14:31
well yes...most of the time
#14 erstellt: 12. Aug 2007, 05:50
A small 11 ft dedicated room for music - not great acoustically but not too bad either. I can work, surf, relax and listen to music. I get the peaceful moments that I most need at the end of a crazy day.

The second system & HT system is in living room for the kids to create all their noise.

[Beitrag von SDhawan am 12. Aug 2007, 05:55 bearbeitet]
#15 erstellt: 20. Aug 2007, 09:43
At my friend's place in Chennai:
An AC-equipped 12" x 9" room for the stereo set: quiet and peaceful, except for inquisitive cats! Being in a bungalow means the ability to chill through the night! Acoustically pretty good, as there is no boom from the 12" drivers. The clutter of papers and boxes strewn around acts as a great diffuser

An AC-equipped 12" x 10" living room for the home theatre, which can be used to play classical music for the guests.
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